The Carbonite Sith Army comprised Sith troopers who were encased in carbonite and stored on a desolate, rocky planet. This army was situated inside a vast cavern. At the cavern's end stood a significant statue, depicting a figure with an activated lightsaber. The base of the statue bore the insignia of the ancient Sith Empire. Shortly after the Battle of Endor, the Nightsister named Silri located the army by deciphering information extracted from a Sith holocron.
At some point in the past, a group of soldiers, identified as Sith troopers, were frozen within carbonite. They were arranged in orderly rows and columns before a statue of an unidentified cloaked figure. It was assumed that the troopers were still alive due to the blinking lights on their carbonite encasements when they were discovered during the era of the Galactic Civil War. The troopers were kept inside a large cavern resembling a tomb, which had been sealed. A single Sith holocron contained the army's location. When accessed, the holocron revealed a diagram similar to a Star Map, which guided the user to the planet where the army was located.
The enormous tomb was found by the Nightsister Silri shortly after the Battle for the Eclipse. She had been studying the holocron, which Tyber Zann and Urai Fen of the Zann Consortium had previously attempted to steal from Jabba the Hutt on Felucia. They later retrieved it after a daring raid on Emperor Palpatine's private vault on Coruscant. Silri used the Star Map to navigate to the planet. There, she apparently entered a code into a terminal near the massive stone doorway, causing the entrance to slide open and reveal the army in suspended animation.
Although not visible in the cutscene showing the frozen army (and therefore potentially non-canon), an unknown Sith was also frozen in carbonite. An urn sat next to his frozen form, its contents a mystery. A lightsaber rested on the urn's lid.
The emblem of the Sith Empire from the Jedi Civil War era is displayed on the front of the large statue at the end of the chamber. While the symbol is not visible during the in-game cutscene, it can be identified by examining the object using the Forces of Corruption Map Editor.