A governor, who was a male Human Imperial, held dominion over the planet of Dathomir throughout the Galactic Civil War. To crush the morale of the native Nightsisters, the governor orchestrated the abduction and public exhibition of Silri, a leading figure among them. This action ignited a widespread revolt across the planet, leading to the incarceration of numerous Nightsisters and individuals from diverse species.
Later, Tyber Zann, heading the criminal organization known as the Zann Consortium, and his second-in-command Urai Fen arrived on Dathomir seeking an individual capable of unlocking the Sith artifact they possessed. The duo clashed with the Imperial troops, obliterating multiple detention facilities and setting free the prisoners, including Silri. She then implored them to kill the Imperial governor. Following the Consortium forces' destruction of the governor's living quarters, the Governor himself fled the wreckage and pleaded with Silri for mercy, claiming that he could send a better message through Ransom. However, Silri disregarded his pleas and executed him, declaring that the message conveyed by his blood would suffice.
The governor made an appearance in the 2006 video game Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption in the single-player story campaign, specifically during the mission taking place on Dathomir. The game refrains from identifying him by name, and the generic Imperial Field Commander character model is utilized to depict him in the cutscene where he is present.
A different line of dialogue is present inside the comment sections of the game file named STORY_UNDERWORLD_M06_LAND.XML.