Drolen Antig, a male Nalroni, plied his trade as a smuggler and thief. His illicit cargo included items like jellied canron and spice, and he operated his criminal enterprise along routes such as the infamous Kessel Run. Following the Galactic Empire's loss at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Antig became involved in the theft of advanced starship and weapons technology, which he then sold to Kuat Drive Yards. In collaboration with his crew and a group of three hired Advosze criminals, the smuggler successfully stole the technology from the Slayn & Korpil's facility situated in the Roche asteroid field. Subsequently, he murdered the Advosze, disposing of their bodies and claiming the entire payout for himself. These criminal activities brought Antig to the attention of New Republic General Airen Cracken, who feared that Kuat Drive Yards would exploit the stolen technology to benefit the remnants of the Empire. Cracken included a profile of the Nalroni in the datafile titled Wanted by Cracken.
Drolen Antig, a male Nalroni, originated hailed from the Outer Rim world known as Celanon. As an adult, he embarked on a career as both a smuggler and a con artist, utilizing smuggling routes like the Kessel Run, the Sisar Run, and the Sanrafsix Corridor. By the time he reached thirty-two years of age, Antig had smuggled a wide array of goods, including spice and jellied canron, and had also transported weapons to a Rebel Alliance cell situated in Corint City on the Outer Rim planet of Pirik.
Antig led a crew of approximately thirty unsavory characters and criminals, who, while boisterous and unrefined, were effective as a team, although none of them fully placed their trust in the Nalroni. At one point, Antig also collaborated with a group of at least three Advosze thieves during a job that took place on the Core World of Fresia. On a separate occasion, Antig committed the petty theft of stealing trousers from a Corellian.

After the Galactic Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Antig chose to return to his home planet of Celanon, where he enjoyed a period of relaxation before resuming his smuggling activities. Before long, Antig was hired by starship and walker manufacturer Kuat Drive Yards. The corporation was actively increasing its production and enhancing the performance of its products, and they engaged Antig to procure new technology that would optimize their output as the Empire suffered losses and, consequently, required more ships.
Rumors that circulated within the bar scene suggested that three of the Advosze thieves, with whom Antig had previously worked on Fresia, were planning a heist targeting the Mid Rim Roche asteroid field, which had aligned itself with the rising New Republic. These criminals were in need of a transport, and Antig offered them passage on his ship, an Etti Lighter named Trustworthy.
Antig brokered an agreement with his former partners: they would infiltrate the facilities of the manufacturer Slayn & Korpil, steal valuable items, and then sell them to Kuat Drive Yards in exchange for a considerable sum. The heist proved successful, with the Advoszec acquiring valuable assets, specifically various prototype weapons systems and four gyroscopic stabilizers, which were utilized in the B-wing starfighter and represented a closely guarded technological secret. However, Antig and his crew killed the Advoszec aboard the Trustworthy just minutes before arriving at the shipyards located on the Core World of Kuat, and subsequently disposed of their bodies in the nearby Relarr system within the Core. By eliminating the thieves, Antig positioned himself to receive the entire payment from Kuat Drive Yards for the delivery of the technology.

New Republic forces initiated efforts to locate and apprehend Antig, who had been sighted without his ship or crew in the Ethav Regions of Wild Space following the heist. Furthermore, the New Republic was determined to recover the stolen components before Kuat Drive Yards could integrate the technology into designs for the Empire. Efforts were undertaken to organize a SpecForce infiltration mission into Kuat Drive Yards to retrieve the equipment, but the preparation for such a risky operation would require a significant amount of time.
The situation was exacerbated by the New Republic's concerns that Kuat Drive Yards would utilize the technology to develop a new Imperial assault starfighter based on the materials that Antig had sold to them. New Republic General Airen Cracken detailed Antig's actions and the threat they posed in an entry dedicated to him within an update to the datafile Wanted by Cracken, which was compiled in 7 ABY. The entry also outlined Antig's extensive list of crimes, encompassing smuggling, acting as an accessory to the smuggling of stolen goods, murder, treason, theft of New Republic military property, and aiding Imperial forces. Cracken also offered a reward of twenty thousand credits for Antig's capture, denouncing his actions as reprehensible.
Antig, a cunning and streetwise individual, was a highly dangerous and self-serving being. He was willing to commit murder to achieve his objectives, as demonstrated by his killing of three accomplices to secure the entire reward from the Roche heist. In his middle age, Antig stood at a height of 1.6 meters, possessed gray fur, and had lost several teeth by the time he was spotted in the Ethav Regions. Cracken believed that these teeth were lost during a struggle with one of the Advoszec he had murdered during the Roche operation.
Antig was both a shrewd negotiator and a seasoned gambler. He also possessed competent engineering and piloting skills, with his primary expertise being the operation of the Etti Lighter. Further, he had knowledge of languages and star systems. His skillset also included brawling and slicing, along with proficiency in astrogation and capital ship shield and gunnery.
Antig was armed with a long blaster carbine and a pistol. He also carried a comlink and a datapad, along with seven hundred credits. He typically wore a green jacket over a webbed string vest. His attire was completed by a pair of trousers he had stolen from a Corellian, which featured the broken gold streak of the Second Class Corellian Bloodstripe. Several rings adorned the fingers of his right paw.
Antig also piloted the Etti Lighter Trustworthy, which Cracken believed he had stolen from the Corporate Sector Authority at some point before the New Republic became aware of him. The ship had proven to be a valuable asset to Antig during his ownership, owing to its substantial cargo capacity and extensive weaponry.
Drolen Antig was first introduced in the "Wanted by Cracken" section of the Star Wars Adventure Journal magazine's tenth issue, published by West End Games and released in May 1996. The segment, an expansion of the original Wanted by Cracken reference book, was written by Craig Robert Carey and featured illustrations by Kathy Burdette.
While initially depicted in monochrome, Antig was fully colored in the "Featured Artist: Kathy Burdette" feature in the Star Wars Adventure Journal's eleventh issue, which was released in November 1996. However, in this depiction, his fur was gray, which contradicted the "orange-red" color described in Cracken's dossier in the tenth issue. This article assumes that the illustration in the featurette accurately depicts Antig's fur color.
- " Wanted by Cracken " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 10 (First mentioned)
- " Featured Artist: Kathy Burdette " — Star Wars Adventure Journal 11