Druth Anamor was a male Human from the Legends continuity, serving as the Chief of Research at the Imperial Research Station situated on Toprawa. A prominent figure among Imperial researchers, Anamor enjoyed the personal favor of the Emperor himself, Palpatine. His living quarters within the research facility were spacious and lavishly decorated in red. While stationed on Toprawa, Anamor dedicated his efforts to developing the control mechanisms for the Death Star's superlaser. He also had a daughter, Facet Anamor, who held the position of Executive Personnel Officer at the station.
By the year 0 BBY, Anamor's physical appearance was characterized by an extremely pale complexion marked with mottled gray patches. His teeth were uneven and discolored, and his eyes were a light shade. Appearing gaunt and frail, Anamor relied on an exoskeleton for mobility. Despite occasionally simulating frailty, the exoskeleton granted him exceptional speed and power.
During the Battle of Toprawa, when Havet Storm infiltrated the research station, he sought out Anamor's living space to acquire the plans for the superlaser, where he found the elderly scientist. Anamor, with animosity, accused Storm of being a Rebel, though he pretended to concede, acting weak as he moved to a corner of his living space.
However, after Storm had successfully downloaded the schematics, Anamor abruptly displayed his true capabilities and launched an attack on the Rebel operative. He struck Storm, sending him to the floor, and readied a spiked probe extending from his fist, intending to bore into Storm's skull. However, Storm managed to kick him aside and ultimately overcame him. With his last breath, Anamor warned Storm that his daughter would avenge his death.