Havet Storm

Havet Storm, a young Rebel agent, was responsible for the theft of the Death Star superlaser blueprints for the Rebel Alliance. Later, he became a student at the Jedi Praxeum located on Yavin 4, learning from Luke Skywalker, but met his end at the hands of the Dark Jedi known as Desann.


Formative Years (16 BBY to 1 BBY)

Havet Storm was born on a densely populated planet situated far from the center of the Imperial territories, and never truly had a place to call his own. Driven by a fear she kept hidden, his mother constantly moved, never staying in one place long enough to be discovered. This successfully shielded her son from their past and his heritage until he was around fifteen.

Around this time, Storm's mother became very sick, succumbing to exhaustion and sorrow. While looking through her few belongings for something to comfort her, he found a small K-9 series droid named Arf. Though just a toy, Havet felt drawn to it. Activating the droid, he heard a recording of a man identifying himself as his grandfather, Morvet Storm.

The Rise of a Jedi (1 BBY to 0 BBY)

Havet Storm in 0 BBY

The message contained Morvet's final words before he was found and killed by Darth Vader and his forces as part of Emperor Palpatine's Purge of the Jedi after the Galactic Empire was formed. Knowing he was about to become one with the Force, Morvet revealed he was a Jedi, and that his grandson shared this legacy. The droid also held a gift from the deceased Jedi: an orange-white lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi Knight.

On her deathbed, Havet's mother confirmed Morvet's story, saying that his father, though untrained and disabled, was also killed by the Empire because of his potential. Afraid and alone, Havet packed the lightsaber, Arf, and his few belongings and left the planet. Eventually, he ended up on Korphir, working as a mind-reader. However, his friends became suspicious and fearful of his abilities, forcing him to leave. Haunted by this close call and his grandfather's last words—"Havet… the dark side… the death of all Jedi. Never reveal… never…"—Havet vowed to reject his heritage and never use the Force again.

Soon after, Havet paid for passage on a junk freighter to Toprawa, knowing it was the site of a major Imperial base and believing it was the best place to hide.

Upon arriving, Havet resumed his usual routine: finding food, a job, and a place to stay hidden. But his hopes for a peaceful life were dashed when he accidentally insulted the bounty hunter Boba Fett at Al The Alchemist's cantina. Refusing to back down, Havet found himself in a dangerous situation. Fortunately, a battle in the sky above the city interrupted their confrontation, with Rebel ships attacking an Imperial convoy in orbit.

Shortly after his arrival, Havet met Facet Anamor, an Executive Personnel Officer at the Imperial Research Station. It was then that the Rebel Alliance's Toprawan branch contacted him. Their leader, Vermilion, explained that the blueprints for the superlaser of the Empire's new superweapon, the Death Star, were stored in the Imperial base.

Havet agreed to help the Rebels, using his relationship with Facet to gain access to the base and steal the plans. Once the Rebels had them, Vermilion attempted to transmit the superlaser blueprints to Princess Leia aboard the Tantive IV, a Rebel ship orbiting the planet. However, Facet and a unit of stormtroopers ambushed them, fatally wounding Vermilion. In the chaos, Havet struck down Facet, and while Surna comforted Vermilion as he died, Havet transmitted the superlaser blueprints to the Rebel Alliance.

With their mission complete, the Rebels evacuated and detonated explosives, destroying the base and erasing all records of the transmission. However, Havet believed he saw the wounded Facet Anamor escaping the destruction.

Life as a Bounty (0 BBY to 2 ABY)

Following the attack, Havet Storm became a strong supporter of the Rebel Alliance, spending the next two years on various missions on Toprawa and eventually leading his own unit. But despite the Rebels' efforts, the Empire continued to weaken their forces. Eventually, Imperial troops discovered the Rebels' base and launched their final attack. Havet and Surna, now close friends, survived and escaped.

However, Havet's troubles continued as Boba Fett, still seeking revenge for his humiliation two years prior, continued to pursue him.

With the Toprawan branch of the Rebel Alliance destroyed, Havet felt there was no point in staying on Toprawa. Hoping to continue helping the Rebellion and escape Boba Fett, Havet, Surna, and others planned to leave the system. Surna's brother, Tann, a skilled pilot, owned The Rust Bucket, but the Empire's blockade had prevented him from working and making payments, resulting in the ship being seized by agents of Jabba the Hutt.

Havet won enough credits to pay off the Hutt's enforcers by using his growing Force abilities to expose a cheat in a game of Seven card comet. However, escaping Toprawa still required breaking through the Imperial blockade.

While Tann and the remaining rebels prepared The Rust Bucket for takeoff, Havet went to the Communication tower to "convince" the Comms officer to grant them clearance. With time running out, Havet realized the only way to ensure the ship's safe escape was to remain in the tower until it entered hyperspace. Despite Surna's protests, Havet ordered the rebels to leave without him. Fearing they might never see each other again, Surna confessed her love for Havet.

Life and Death at the Academy (11 ABY to 12 ABY)

After the Rebel Alliance's victory over the Empire and the establishment of the New Republic, Havet Storm began his formal training at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4.

Here, Havet's unwavering spirit and refusal to back down led to a fight he couldn't win. When confronted by Desann, Havet stood his ground and was killed by the Chistori student. Refusing to be controlled by fear as he had been in his early life, Havet Storm died as he lived: a hero defending justice and freedom.

Behind the scenes

The Lost Jedi Adventure Game Book was only available in Great Britain.

The Lost Jedi Adventure Game Book revealed that Havet Storm was the "Rebel Voice" who transmitted the Toprawa Death Star plans to Princess Leia in Episode Three of the Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope radio drama.

