Morvet Storm

Morvet Storm was a male Human Jedi Knight (of the male gender) who was a member of the Jedi Order during the last few years of the Galactic Republic. Having survived the infamous Order 66 – a treasonous directive intended to completely exterminate the Jedi Order, also known as Contingency Order 66 – Storm remained in hiding from the pursuing forces of the Galactic Empire for a period of two years, until he was ultimately tracked down and killed by Darth Vader.


Morvet Storm underwent training in the mystical arts of the Force and constructed his own personal lightsaber which emitted an orange blade. In time, Storm rose to the rank of Jedi Knight and particularly developed his unique skill of Farsight, which granted him a heightened ability to accurately predict future occurrences. One such vision revealed the name of his yet-to-be-born grandson, 'Havet Storm'. At some point in his life, Storm broke the Order's strict rules and started a family without the Jedi High Council's knowledge or consent. By becoming a father, Storm kept this a secret from the Order, knowing he would likely be removed from the Jedi. While the extent of Jedi Storm's involvement is unknown, he did manage to evade the execution of Contingency Order 66 and the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge that marked the beginning of the Galactic Empire.

As a wanted man during the early years of the Imperial Period, Storm and his family were forced into hiding, constantly moving from one planet to another in an attempt to avoid capture by the Empire. During this time of constant relocation, Storm made time to record a message for his future grandson, Havet, storing it within the memory banks of his personal K-9 series droid, named Arf. In this message, he revealed to his future grandchild his identity as a Jedi and that Havet possessed the potential to become one as well. Additionally, Storm concealed his old lightsaber within the droid, as a gift for his grandson should he ever need it. As Storm concluded his message, the Empire launched an attack on his location, led by Darth Vader himself. The recording captured Storm exclaiming, "Vader! Has it finally come to this?" Following a brief duel with the Sith Lord, Storm was killed, but not before leaving his grandson with a final, urgent warning: "Havet… the dark side… the death of all Jedi. Never reveal… never…"


Storm's grandson eventually came into possession of his grandfather's gifts, and, thanks to the wisdom and direction provided by Storm's audio recording, Havet joined the Rebellion against the Empire and successfully managed to steal the technical blueprints for the Death Star's superlaser. In this way, Storm's legacy endured.

