
Durrei, a Force-sensitive male Human hailing from Elrood, experienced a traumatic childhood. Stormtroopers killed his family when he was a child; during this horrific event, Durrei's dormant Force powers manifested, resulting in the Imperials' demise through the use of the dark side. Following the deaths of his parents, Durrei devoted himself to the dark side of the Force and aligned himself with a breakaway faction of the Empire in their conflict against the Imperials. Eventually, Durrei uncovered information regarding a rare Force artifact known as the Kashi Mer talisman and leveraged his newfound connections to pursue its acquisition.


Early life

Born in 13 BBY during the Galactic Empire's reign, the male Human named Durrei spent his formative years on the planet of Elrood. In his youth, a stormtrooper squad attempted to apprehend Durrei's mother on suspicion of treason against the Empire. When Durrei's father resisted, the soldiers opened fire, causing widespread destruction. In response to this violence, Durrei unleashed his untapped Force ability, utilizing the dark side to eliminate the soldiers, but he was unable to prevent the death of his parents.

After this tragedy, Durrei fled his home, seeking out other Force-sensitives to learn from. Motivated by his parents' demise, he committed himself to the dark side to avoid future helplessness. During this time, he obtained a red lightsaber and became proficient in its use, also becoming the lover of Arden Lyn, a Dark Jedi and Emperor's Hand. Some years after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Ennix Devian, a warlord, approached Durrei and convinced him to join his fight against the remaining forces of the Empire, an offer Durrei accepted readily. Devian had acquired stolen Imperial technology with plans to use it against the Empire. Even after Durrei discovered that Devian was the leader of the restored Empire, an Imperial splinter group, he remained content to serve as long as Imperials were being killed.

Relic hunting

Durrei uses the Force to grab the relic.

In 9 ABY, at twenty-two years of age, Durrei learned about a mysterious Force artifact, a relic from the ancient Kashi Mer Dynasty that had previously belonged to his lover, Arden Lyn. This prism-shaped gray rock, measuring approximately twenty by ten centimeters, was said to grant its possessor the ability to directly access the dark side. The relic had been stolen by Reda Jalooz, a confused Force student, and had resurfaced in the Corva sector.

Driven by his desire for the artifact, Durrei persuaded Devian to provide him with troops and repurposed Imperial equipment to locate it. Devian had his own agenda for assisting Durrei, hoping to use the artifact's rumored power to trigger stars to go supernova. A Gotal crime lord named Mahk'khar had acquired the relic. Durrei arranged a trade with Mahk'khar on the deserted world of Jandoon, offering Meela, the kidnapped daughter of a local professor named Oron, and 10,000 credits in exchange for the relic.

Traveling in a Lambda-class shuttle, Durrei met Mahk'khar in the planet's abandoned ruins. However, a group of New Republic operatives ambushed them, seeking to claim the relic. Accompanied by only four bodyguards, Durrei fought off some of the operatives before using telekinesis to seize the relic from Mahk'khar and retreat, leaving his bodyguards to delay the attackers and buy him time. The New Republic operatives then pursued Durrei. Devian later determined that Durrei was no longer useful and betrayed him and Lyn to Antinnis Tremayne, an Imperial Inquisitor and former sparring partner of Devian who resented Lyn due to a past encounter.

Personality and traits

The murder of Durrei's parents profoundly impacted his life, leading him to embrace the dark side to avoid ever being vulnerable again. This also made him easily swayed to join the fight against the Empire. He was consumed by his desire for the Kashi Mer talisman and was willing to sacrifice Meela, the kidnapped daughter of a local professor, to obtain it. Durrei had dark-colored hair.

Powers and abilities

Durrei displayed latent Force abilities at a young age, using them to destroy the stormtroopers who came to arrest his mother. Largely self-taught, he eventually acquired a red-bladed lightsaber and became skilled in its use. He also possessed telekinetic abilities.

Behind the scenes

George R. Strayton created Durrei, and Doug Shuler illustrated him for the article "Relic," published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 in May 1995.

