Dust durni

Dust Durni A dust durni.

The expression dust durni was jargon for a sizable accumulation of dust. The designation is derived from the durni, possibly because its delicate fur resembled the texture of dust. During 1 ABY, a spacer who was a visitor to Tansarii Point Station made it their mission to locate and eliminate every dust durni present in the station. As a reward for their thorough cleaning efforts, Yawse Felsiy gifted them a feather duster. Subsequently, another spacer undertook an analogous cleanup operation at Nova Orion Station.

Production Notes

Dust durnis made their debut appearance in Star Wars Galaxies, the video game from 2003. This massively multiplayer online roleplaying game was brought to life by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts. The game was shut down on December 15, 2011. Dust durnis became part of the game with the "Chapter 8" update on January 15, 2008.

Players were able to interact with and gather dust durnis as in-game objects. The term is inspired by the real-world phrase "dust bunnies," drawing a parallel between durnis and rabbits due to their visual similarities.

