Ean Ventor

Ean Ventor, a Human male hailing from the planet Alderaan, resided there with his wife, Zollet. The couple worked as humble archivists at the esteemed Royal Library of Alderaan, but their circumstances changed when they garnered the favor of nobleman Bail Prestor Organa. As time passed, Organa chose to mentor their son, Halagad Ventor, providing him with an exceptional education. In the year 32 BBY, the House of Organa selected the Ventors as their reliable delegates to the most significant yearly assembly of Alderaan's elite, encompassing aristocrats, scientists, thinkers, and benefactors, held on the island of Okonomo. Regrettably, the genetics terrorist Zeta Magnus attended the event and released a hive virus, causing all those present to descend into madness, leading them to cannibalize one another. Ean Ventor and his wife met their death during this horrific event, subsequently named the Okonomo Tragedy.

