Zollet Ventor, hailing from Alderaan, was a Human female. She held the position of archivist at the Royal Library of Alderaan, collaborating with her husband, Ean Ventor. Their offspring, Halagad Ventor, was later mentored by the nobleman Bail Prestor Organa. In the year 32 BBY, Zollet and Ean Ventor were dispatched by the House of Organa as their formal delegates to the yearly Grand Alderaanian Gathering, hosted on the island of Okonomo. Unfortunately, the genetics terrorist known as Zeta Magnus was also in attendance, seeking vengeance against an Arkanian matriarch. Magnus unleashed a hive virus, causing all those present to descend into madness, attacking and cannibalizing one another. The Ventor couple died during this event, which came to be called the Okonomo Tragedy.