Okonomo Tragedy

The horrific event known as the Okonomo Tragedy transpired on the planet Alderaan circa 32 BBY, specifically during the yearly celebration known as the Grand Alderaanian Gathering. As was customary, numerous Alderaanian nobles, thinkers, researchers, and humanitarians had received invitations to the Grand Gathering at the Okonomo Retreat, situated on the island of Okonomo. However, Zeta Magnus, a genetics-based terrorist who was the product of a bizarre experiment from years prior, sought vengeance against one of his originators, an Arkanian woman who was present at the gathering. Magnus successfully released a virulent hive virus that incited all those present at the Grand Gathering to consume the bodies and internal organs of their fellow attendees. Among those who perished were Ean and Zollet Ventor, a pair of librarians who were representatives of the House of Organa. The Okonomo Tragedy was an especially scarring occurrence for a normally tranquil world like Alderaan. Halagad, the young son of Ean and Zollet Ventor, suffered profound trauma as a result of his parents' death.

