Ebranites were the original inhabitants of the planet Ebra, which is located within the Dousc system. Their physiology was uniquely suited for survival within the cave and canyon environments of Ebra. Possessing six arms, Ebranites featured two opposable thumbs on each of their six-fingered hands. Furthermore, their feet were specifically designed for climbing, showcasing three prominent, clawed toes alongside a thumb-like appendage positioned on their heels. These limbs enabled rapid climbing, yet their movement on flat surfaces was notably slow. Their skin, a robust reddish-brown, displayed mottled patterns of red, white, or black, providing camouflage against the rocky terrain. Their keen eyesight included the ability to perceive infrared light.
Rith Tar'ak, a member of the Rebel Alliance.
The framework of Ebranite society revolved around family and clan affiliations. While males typically held positions of authority, mothers were held in the highest regard by all Ebranites. Children experienced minimal autonomy. Clans, known as thildas, consisted of twenty to thirty nuclear families residing within a shared territory. At birth, each Ebranite received a tattooed clan symbol on their upper left shoulder. Approximately every three and a half standard years (equivalent to four local seasons), a clan leadership council, referred to as a ghantar, was chosen. From among themselves, the ghantar would then select a leader, designated as the fyaban. Historically, Ebranite clans frequently engaged in warfare, although by the Imperial period, only a small number of thildas persisted in these conflicts. The Rull clan was among those that continued feuding.
The Galactic Empire, motivated by the desire to control Ebra's lu-ramin resources, replaced the established Ebranite leadership structure. Governor Evitch Jenton exiled Ebranites suspected of harboring anti-Imperial sentiments to the lu-ramin mines located on Grythsorin. In addition to this political oppression, their traditional trade relationships with the Carosites were disrupted. In response, numerous Ebranites allied themselves with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, including the notable Rebel operative Rith Tar'ak.
In their struggle against the Empire, the Ebranites were disadvantaged by their relatively rudimentary weaponry, which was primarily limited to bows, slings, and melee weapons. Before the Imperial occupation, their most advanced technology was their hydrothermal energy systems. The majority of Ebranites viewed advanced technology with suspicion, associating it with the Empire. However, they compensated for these technological limitations with their intense combativeness. When threatened, Ebranites entered a state of "combat rage" akin to that of the Wookiees, although with a greater degree of self-control.