Ebra, sometimes called Ebran, existed as a planet within the Mid Rim's Kesh sector. Its terrain was characterized by mountains, caverns, and expansive canyons like the Grythsorin. Ebra served as the homeworld for the Ebranites, humanoid beings with six arms uniquely suited to their environment. The Ebranites, a relatively unsophisticated species organized into clan-based societies, exported the valuable oil known as lu-ramin to other worlds.
The Galactic Empire brought Ebra under its control, enslaving the Ebranites and forcing them into lu-ramin harvesting. Following the escape of the Ebranite sisters Rith Tar'ak, Nyik, and Tor'ara from Ebra to join the Rebel Alliance, hundreds of Ebranites enlisted in the Alliance to combat the Empire on their home planet. By 12 ABY, Ebra had become integrated into the New Republic.
Ebra, alternatively known as Ebran, was a rocky planet situated in the Dousc system, which was part of the Kesh sector in the New Territories region of the Mid Rim. This planet held the second orbital position within its star system. A duration of four local seasons on Ebra was equivalent to three and a half standard years.
The surface of Ebra was dominated by imposing and seemingly endless mountains, divided by expansive canyons. Additionally, Ebra featured networks of caverns. Within these caves, reserves of pure water sustained a thriving population of fungi and casanvines. The hag'thyyr was a reptilian predator that was native to Ebra.
Approximately around 3643 BBY, a local merchant specializing in stimulants was charging exorbitant prices for medicine to veterans residing on Ebra. An individual connected to one of the factions involved in the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire dispatched a companion to Ebra, where the trader was subsequently convinced to slightly reduce his prices.
Millennia prior to the Galactic Civil War, the clan system was the cause of much conflict in the native Ebranites society. However, as time passed, the Ebranite clans largely adopted a peaceful and collaborative approach, with the exception of certain clans like the Rull and the Jih-tan, who maintained their warrior traditions. The Galactic Republic had minimal interaction with the Ebranites. Nevertheless, the natives engaged in trade with the Carosites, a species from the Carosus system in the Outer Rim Territories, exporting the valuable lu-ramin oil, the key ingredient in the beverage known as Ebran Lu-ramin Oilmead.

During the early years of its reign, the Galactic Empire brought Ebra under its dominion. The Imperial governor Evitch Jenton seized control of the planet and swiftly imposed martial law. The Imperial government prohibited the Ebranite trade with the Carosites and restricted the export of lu-ramin to various agricultural companies and cultures associated with the Empire. Jenton also sanctioned the enslavement of Ebranites, with individuals suspected of sedition or rebellious tendencies being exiled to labor in lu-ramin mines.
At some point during the occupation of Ebra, the Rull clan of Ebranites launched an assault on an Imperial facility located on the planet. The significantly stronger Imperial forces slaughtered the attackers. The few Ebranite survivors of the raid, including Rith Tar'ak and her sisters Nyik and Tor'ara, were taken prisoner and forced to harvest lu-ramin in the nearby caves.
Shortly after their enslavement, Tar'ak orchestrated a daring escape with her sisters. The Ebranites captured an Imperial pilot and compelled him to transport them away from Ebra. In a nearby system, the group was captured by a Rebel Alliance starship. The Ebranite sisters subsequently joined the Alliance, eventually becoming part of the elite Rebel unit known as the Scandium Team. At some point, Ebra was referenced in a personal addendum by Rebel General Airen Cracken on a datapage of the Cracken's Rebel Field Guide detailing the repulsorlift-augmented R-444 Imperial Sky Swooper para-wing glider.
In 2 ABY, a group of individuals linked to the Rebel Alliance visited Ebra. While traversing the planet's canyons, the group was involved in a high-speed repulsorcraft chase with Imperial scout troopers.
Following her sisters' deaths in service, Rith Tar'ak eventually became one of the two Rebel agents responsible for recruiting and training the natives of Ebra. Ultimately, hundreds of Ebranites joined the Rebellion with the aim of removing the Imperial presence from Ebra. A small portion of the Ebranite population began exploring the broader galaxy between 0 BBY and 5 ABY. By 12 ABY, Ebra was within the boundaries of the New Republic.

Ebra was the homeworld of the Ebranites, a sentient species of six-armed omnivorous humanoids. Adapted to their rocky home planet, the Ebranites were adept climbers and hunted for sustenance using clubs, bows, and slings. These primitive Ebranites were organized into clans known as "thildas" and communicated using the Ebranese language, remaining largely confined to their homeworld in the period leading up to 0 BBY. One exception to the Ebranites' technologically simplistic nature was the hydro-thermal technology they utilized on Ebra.
The Imperial outpost on Ebra imported food and water in significant quantities, and in return, the profitable planet exported lu-ramin along with low-grade ores. The Imperial forces employed R-444 Imperial Sky Swooper para-wing gliders for conducting patrols within Ebra's canyons.
To improve relations between the Empire and the Ebranites, the tech units within the Imperial occupation force on Ebra designed the 5DS Ebranite Relations Droid by modifying the Cybot Galactica 3PO-series protocol droid. However, the Empire failed to recognize that the creation of this new droid actually widened the gap between the occupation forces and the Ebranites.
The Ebranite Rebel agent Rith Tar'ak captured and re-programmed the first 5DS droid produced, A-5DS. She then utilized the droid as a point of contact among the Ebranite settlements within the Grythsorin canyon. Due to her species' inherent distrust of advanced technology, Tar'ak lacked complete confidence in A-5DS and only employed it when she was unable to visit Ebra personally.
The Ebranite settlements, referred to as clan warrens, were established around small wells located deep within the caves of Ebra's canyons, including the largest canyon, the Grythsorin. During its occupation of Ebra, the Galactic Empire established an outpost on the planet and operated lu-ramin mines in Grythsorin. Furthermore, an Imperial facility was situated near a series of Ebra caverns where a local strain of lu-ramin was cultivated.
Ebra was initially mentioned in the 1991 sourcebook Cracken's Rebel Field Guide, authored by Christopher Kubasik for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game. In the 1995 sourcebook Alliance Intelligence Reports, an adventure seed partially set on Ebra was included for use with the West End Games' roleplaying game system. This article assumes the scenario unfolds as described. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas situated the Dousc system, and consequently Ebra, in grid square L-6.