Eedund Cus was a Chevin of the male persuasion. Around the time following 3 ABY, Cus obtained Lobar Aybock by buying him from Zygerrian slavers with the intention of training him in the discipline of shockboxing. Beyond instructing Aybock in the ways of shockboxing, Cus also took it upon himself to educate the Calian in both spoken Basic and written Aurebesh.
He identified as 'an unrepentant Separatist' and held a distinct lack of trust for droids.
Author Edward M. Erdelac has stated that the nomenclature Eedund Cus was derived from a tuckerization that merged the last name of Angelo Dundee—the cornerman for Muhammad Ali's boxing endeavors—with the given name of Cus D'Amato, who served as Mike Tyson's trainer.