
The Calians were the Human population indigenous to the planet of Shiva IV, situated within Wild Space. Possessing a robust physique, the majority were characterized by their strength and bravery. They were unified as the Calian Confederacy and communicated using the Calian language. For thousands of years, they existed in isolation, remaining unknown to both the Republic and the Empire.

By the standards of the galaxy at large, the Calians were considered unsophisticated and lacked comprehension of Basic; nevertheless, they possessed repulsorcraft and blasters.

They had the capability to enter a state of ryastraad, a combat frenzy analogous to that exhibited by Wookiees. Only after protracted warfare did the Calians establish peaceful relations with their neighbors, the T'Syriél. The Galactic Empire launched an assault on the Calians, which included the bombardment of one of their cities. With assistance from Leia Organa, the Calians successfully expelled the Empire from Shiva IV.

Biology and appearance

Compared with baseline Humans such as Leia Organa (left), Calians such as Ygal Delois (right) had a distinctive red tan.

The Calians were essentially baseline Humans originating from the world called Shiva IV. A common racial trait among most Calians was their reddish-tanned skin and dark-colored hair. However, some Calians, such as Jain Havero, possessed blond hair and a peach-colored skin tone, which made them stand out. Furthermore, the vast majority of Calians were both slender and muscular in build.

Society and culture

Calians wore revealing, if garish outfits.

In contrast to numerous other Human societies, the inhabitants of Shiva IV typically carried very little in terms of personal belongings. Calians typically wore minimal clothing. Males generally wore a harness exposing much of their chest, along with a loincloth extending to the knees, secured at the waist by an ornate belt. Both genders exhibited a fondness for jewelry and decorative items. Males maintained a clean-shaven appearance with short hair, while females wore their hair long. Due to their isolated existence, Calians generally did not communicate using Galactic Basic Standard, the most widespread language in the galaxy, instead utilizing a language of their own.

Behind the scenes

The Calian race was the brainchild of writer Chris Claremont and artist Walter Simonson for a two-part storyline in the Star Wars Marvel comic book series, specifically Star Wars (1977) 53 and Star Wars (1977) 54. These narratives were created to repurpose previously unused artwork from the discontinued Marvel Comics series John Carter, Warlord of Mars, which itself was an adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs's science-fantasy saga featuring the warrior John Carter of Mars. As a result, the Calians share several similarities with the Red Martians depicted in Rice Burrough's works. Both groups possess a reddish-copper skin tone, dark hair, and a tendency to wear minimal clothing.

