Shiva IV, a planet situated in the depths of Wild Space, was known for its extreme isolation, existing far beyond the reach of the Galactic Empire. This world, steeped in a history of bloodshed, witnessed countless generations of conflict between the Human Calian Confederacy and the Twelve Tribes of T'Syriél, a struggle that molded both civilizations into exceptionally skilled warriors. The protracted conflict reached its conclusion in 2 ABY when the Calian Warlord Aron Peacebringer ratified the Concordat of Peace with T'Syriél Demarch Kéral Longknife. An attempted conquest of Shiva IV by the Galactic Empire a year later was thwarted by Peacebringer and elements of the Rebel Alliance.

Located within the Shiva system in Wild Space, Shiva IV was a relatively small world distinguished by its profound remoteness, existing far from the dominant powers of the galaxy. The surface of Shiva IV was characterized by expansive deserts, referred to as the "Drylands" by the local inhabitants, and towering mountains. The planet's environmental conditions were suitable for supporting substantial populations of Humans and other humanoids. The presence of several moons frequently obscured visibility due to their low position in the sky. Shiva IV's location was relatively close to a black hole, which had formed from a collapsed star with a diameter of only a few kilometers.

Shiva IV bore a protracted and violent past, defined by nearly constant warfare spanning generations between two distinct entities: the Calian Confederacy, composed of the planet's Human inhabitants, and the Twelve Tribes of T'Syriél, a formidable and numerous group of native T'Syriél warriors. These centuries of conflict transformed both the Calians and the T'Syriél into cultures deeply rooted in martial prowess. Remnants of ancient battles were scattered across Shiva IV's landscape, including cities that had been obliterated by nuclear bombs at some point in the planet's history. During the era of the Galactic Civil War, the inhabitants of Shiva IV possessed advanced repulsorcraft technology but continued to employ simple, traditional melee weapons in combat.
The prolonged animosity between the Calians and T'Syriél concluded in 2 ABY when Aron, a warrior who later became known as "Peacebringer," rose to the position of Warlord of the Calian Confederacy and signed the Concordat of Peace with Kéral Longknife, the Demarch of the Twelve Tribes. However, peace on Shiva IV was short-lived. By the following year, the Galactic Empire had set its sights on Shiva IV, assigning Kaleesh General Bentilais san Sk'ar the task of conquering the world. Sk'ar's strategy involved deception, as he recruited disaffected Calians, including Ygal Delois, the captain of Peacebringer's personal guard, and T'Syriél soldiers into his army to create the illusion that the truce had been broken. Furthermore, Sk'ar employed an anti-matter bomb to destroy the remote city of K'avor, with the intention of destabilizing the planet's governing bodies.
Shortly thereafter, a small Rebel force arrived to investigate the Empire's unusual interest in such a remote system. After their ship sustained damage from anti-matter micromines placed in orbit, the group's leader, Leia Organa, crash-landed on Shiva IV alone. Peacebringer and Longknife discovered Organa in the desolate regions and rescued her, bringing her to the capital city of Illyriaqüm. Sk'ar revealed his presence and launched an attack on Illyriaqüm soon after, but the timely intervention of Rebel agents Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, and Chewbacca thwarted Sk'ar's plan to destroy the capital with an anti-matter bomb, and the Imperials were driven off the planet.

Shiva IV was populated by significant numbers of Humans and the indigenous T'Syriél, both of whom had been engaged in a long-standing conflict for dominance. The centuries of warfare transformed both groups into formidable warriors. The Human population of Shiva IV, known as the Calians, were tall, strong, and muscular, and they were known for entering a "battle madness" that rendered them nearly unstoppable in combat. The T'Syriél also possessed a proud warrior tradition, although in the aftermath of the Concordat of Peace, many T'Syriél abandoned the ways of their ancestors and turned to banditry in the remote regions. The cultures of both peoples developed largely in isolation from the wider galaxy, and they spoke a Calian language that was unintelligible to outsiders and not recognized by any translatacomp.
Calian society on Shiva IV was centered around the grand capital city of Illyriaqüm, a sprawling settlement of gleaming structures and towers, prominently featuring the Warlord's palace and its Great Hall. Calian territory extended to the remote regions, with cities such as K'avor situated approximately halfway around the world from Illyriaqüm. K'avor had a population of 500,000 as of 3 ABY, but the city was destroyed and its population either killed or captured during the Imperial attack.
Shiva IV made its first appearance in Star Wars (1977) 53, authored by Chris Claremont and released in 1981. Much of the artwork featured in Star Wars 53 and 54 was not initially intended for a Star Wars narrative; it was originally created for Marvel Comics' John Carter, Warlord of Mars series, which had been canceled in 1979. In an effort to utilize approximately 30 pages of fully penciled artwork, Marvel had artist Carmine Infantino adapt the pages for Star Wars, transforming the planet Mars into Shiva IV.
The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas situated the planet within grid square L-21.