Eero Iridian, who aimed for a position as a senator within the Galactic Republic, was acquainted with Count Dooku when they were both at the Jedi Temple for some years. Despite two attempts to become a senator, he was unable to achieve any significant political achievement. Ultimately, Eero turned against his former Jedi companion in a scheme with Lorian Nod involving the abduction of multiple senators, including Blix Annon; however, Dooku, along with his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, successfully apprehended the group of plotters and brought them back to Coruscant to be judged.
Unbeknownst to Eero, he was being manipulated in a scheme devised by the Sith Lord known as Darth Tenebrous, who desired that he take Annon's place as Senator.