The lightsaber of the Eighth Brother was a lightsaber with a double-bladed spinning design. The Eighth Brother, a Jedi hunter, used this weapon, similar to other rotating double-bladed lightsabers used by members of the Imperial Inquisitors.

This weapon was equipped with a ringed emitter, which allowed the two blades to spin quickly without the user needing to exert any effort. This feature likely served as a means of intimidation, as well as a way to block attacks from the front, for a Jedi hunter such as an Inquisitor. However, this was also the weapon's main flaw, as an opponent with a lightsaber could simply destroy the emitter and cleave the weapon in two, as Kanan Jarrus showed during his final duel against the Grand Inquisitor on the Sovereign.
It also had the ability to be used for flight, spinning in a manner similar to a helicopter with enough force to lift the user off the ground.
In addition, the Eighth Brother's lightsaber was unique among the double-bladed spinning lightsabers wielded by other members of the Inquisitorius because it could transform into a buzz-saw-like weapon that used the handle while the blades were turned off. This mechanism appears in place of the hinges found on the emitter rails of other Inquisitors' lightsabers, preventing the Eighth Brother from folding the guard into a crescent shape.

The Eighth Brother received training in the use of this lightsaber with his fellow Inquisitors at The Works located on Coruscant, where they were instructed by the Grand Inquisitor.
While on his mission to track Maul, whom he called "the Shadow" on Malachor, the Eighth Brother carried his lightsaber. He used it in combat against the three rebel Jedi: Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, and Ahsoka Tano, when they arrived on their mission to Malachor. After the deaths of the Seventh Sister and the Fifth Brother at the hands of Maul, the Eighth Brother, who was outnumbered, tried to escape from the enemy Force users by using his lightsaber's spinning blades to slow his fall as he jumped from the Sith temple. However, the lightsaber had been damaged by Jarrus just before this, and it malfunctioned and broke apart in mid-air, causing the Eighth Brother to fall to his death.