Elerion, situated in the Outer Rim Territories close to Phoebus, was a planet well-known for its gambling activities.
During the Cold War that occurred between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Elerion casino discovered proof that one of its wealthiest gamblers was engaging in fraudulent behavior. As a result, the casino employed a slicer with the task of infiltrating the cheater's bank account and secretly returning the ill-gotten credits.
Leia Organa journeyed to Elerion while on a clandestine operation to retrieve purloined Rebel intelligence. The Lucky Star casino was situated in Kushal Vogh, the planet's capital city.
The Duros individual named M'a Jong at one point possessed a casino on this particular world.
This planet made its initial appearance in the somewhat canon Tales narrative titled "Lucky Stars." It subsequently received mention in the background information of both a Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game card and the corresponding item featured in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies, thereby solidifying its status as part of Star Wars Legends.