Eleventh Fleet

The Eleventh Fleet represented a designated fleet within the Imperial Navy of the Galactic Empire, seeing action during the time when the Lothal campaign unfolded. Commodore Karyn Faro received authorization to take command of this fleet from Imperial High Command in 1 BBY, a decision spurred by the endorsement of her superior, Grand Admiral Thrawn.


The Eleventh Fleet functioned as a numbered fleet serving under the banner of the Imperial Navy in the Galactic Empire.


Faro's nomination to lead the Eleventh Fleet came from none other than her commanding officer, Grand Admiral Thrawn (pictured).

Its period of activity coincided with the Lothal campaign in 1 BBY. Initially, Commodore Karyn Faro, who also served as the captain of the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera, was slated to take the reins of Task Force 231. However, Imperial High Command struggled to meet the necessary deadlines for her pre-command briefing. In actuality, Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Seventh Fleet, Faro's commander, had already put in a request to Imperial High Command suggesting Faro for the Eleventh Fleet command position. Several weeks later, High Command gave their approval to Thrawn's request.

On the day of the approval, the Grand Admiral informed his subordinate that he had purposefully interfered with her transfer to Task Force 231. Thrawn, who had mentored Faro, believed she was capable of more than leading a mere task force. He then revealed his request for her consideration to command the Eleventh Fleet, a move he anticipated could lead to a promotion from her current rank of commodore. He further explained that Imperial High Command had granted his request that very morning, and Faro was expected to depart the Chimaera upon its return to the planet Lothal and proceed to Coruscant for orientation regarding her new command.

Commanders and crew

Karyn Faro was designated as the commander of the Eleventh Fleet, with her commanding officer, Grand Admiral Thrawn, emphasizing her exceptional abilities as an administrator, tactician, officer, commander, and political operative.

Behind the scenes

The Eleventh Fleet received a mention in Timothy Zahn's 2019 novel, Thrawn: Treason, which served as the concluding chapter in Star Wars: The Imperial Trilogy.

