Emperor's Most Wanted designated a roll call of prominent figures within the Rebel Alliance, on whose heads the Galactic Empire had placed bounties after the battle of Talus.
After the Rebel's successful espionage missions in the Corellian system, Emperor Palpatine began to doubt the reliability of the Imperial Army. In an effort to completely eliminate Rebel activity, he hired the most infamous bounty hunters in the galaxy to capture key Rebel leaders, a mission that his own Imperial forces had been unable to complete. A large number of well-known bounty hunters joined the pursuit, including Snoova, Boushh, IG-88, Bossk, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, Dengar, and Boba Fett. Several important Rebel figures were captured, like Coret Bhan, Rachi Sitra, Talon Karrde, Corran Horn, Wedge Antilles, and others. Despite the bounty hunters' great success, the Empire made a significant logistical error by temporarily housing the majority of the prisoners in a single location, an Imperial prison facility just outside of Bestine on Tatooine. Rebel operatives were able to discover the location of the captured Rebel leaders and launched a daring raid on the facility in an attempt to free them. Despite strong resistance from Imperial forces, the Rebels gained the advantage and successfully rescued the Rebel leaders. Following this event, few bounty hunters tried to collect on bounties that had already been claimed.