Coret Bhan

Former colonist Coret Bhan, a male Zabrak from a challenging Mid Rim territory, harbored a deep-seated animosity towards the Galactic Empire. He became a Captain within the Rebel Alliance, leading his troops with fervor and courage as a skilled combatant.


Battle of Talus

Bhan leads an assault on the Imperial base on Talus.

Before the battle of Talus, Captain Bhan spearheaded a swift attack on the Raithal Academy. A Rebel force touched down just outside the Raithal Academy and, instead of trying to seize or demolish it, focused on disrupting Imperial strategies to prepare for the operation in the Corellian system. The cadets of the Academy mounted a respectable defense, which caused the Rebel forces to tactically withdraw to their landing craft, planting explosives to destroy the starport as they left.

Later, after the initial Imperial assault on the Talus base faltered, Bhan commanded a Rebel counteroffensive at the Imperial outpost located on Talus. This Rebel force was composed of Rebel commandos, bolstered by heavy troopers and Y-wing bombers. Every available Imperial soldier hurried to protect the outpost, eventually gaining ground against the Rebels. Since this was another strike-and-fade mission, designed to interfere with Imperial operations, Bhan ordered the Alliance forces to retreat. The Rebels quickly made it back to their base, while the Imperials were in no condition to chase them.


Coret Bhan in action

In the aftermath of the battle of Talus, the Zabrak's career was on the rise. Bhan's tactical command abilities were so essential that the Alliance High Command declined to move him to an administrative role. Bhan remained a Major for a longer period than anyone else in the Alliance. This fact drew the attention of the Galactic Empire, and Bhan's name was added to Emperor's Most Wanted, a list of high-value bounties on key Alliance figures. Two bounty hunters collaborated to capture Bhan; one of them was IG-88A, who had acquired Bhan's deployment orders from a Rebel informant. Bhan was preparing to lead a quick strike against an Imperial outpost on Dantooine. The bounty hunters chose to ambush him in the field, even though they knew Bhan would be protected by experienced commandos. As the Rebel team approached the rugged terrain around the outpost, the Rebels were forced to travel the final kilometers by foot. As Bhan led the commandos into an open area, IG-88 activated the trip wires, triggering flechette mines and smoke bombs that the assassin droid had set up. Amidst the confusion, the bounty hunters launched their attack. The ambush was successful, and the Rebels soon had to surrender. Bhan told his men to surrender, while IG-88 restrained him and prepared to hand him over to the Imperial authorities.

The Rebels were temporarily held at the Imperial prison facility situated in a mountainous region just outside Bestine on Tatooine. Bhan was given to the Empire, but Rebel operatives discovered the facility's location and launched a daring raid to free the prisoners. Despite significant resistance from the Imperial forces, the Rebels prevailed and evacuated the rescued prisoners, including Bhan, to safety.

Further activities

Bhan on Coruscant

When a substantial shipment of ryll disappeared en route to an Alliance medical facility, numerous Rebel operatives were sent to find it. Bhan, along with several Rebel commandos, was scheduled to meet with CorSec Major Alana Walden at the Mos Eisley spaceport, but while they waited, a group of smugglers attempting to leave the spaceport confronted the Rebels. The Rebels had no choice but to engage, eventually killing all of them. Many were tired and injured following the fight, and they were given no time to rest. An Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) agent appeared and, after claiming that he had left Major Walden injured in a nearby alley, demanded information about the ryll shipment from Bhan. Bhan responded with a blaster shot, and his commandos joined him, though they were weakened from the previous firefight. Soon, several of Bhan's men were killed, and the rest were in no condition to fight. The Imperial received no information from Bhan, but a young wounded corporal inadvertently mentioned that Bhan was supposed to meet with Han Solo on Corellia. The ISB agent mockingly saluted the wounded Rebels and left, while they were too weak to stop him.

Although Bhan disapproved of such actions, he frequently had to work with smugglers as a Rebel officer. On the moon of Rori, Bhan was expected to meet with Dash Rendar, a smuggler who used swoop racing to hide his movements while transporting valuable cargo for the Alliance. Bhan accepted a small package from Rendar behind a grandstand and was about to leave when an ISB agent suddenly confronted him. Bhan's combat skills gave him the advantage over the Imperial, forcing him to retreat and report Bhan's involvement to his superiors.

