Endor tree fort

On the Forest Moon of Endor, a stronghold was erected within the bough of a sizable, vacant tree. The tree was the abode of Larry the Shriek, but the stronghold was eventually deserted, and Larry played the role of a sinister night spirit to deter any inhabitants. In 3 ABY, the Ewoks Wicket Wystri Warrick and Teebo resided in the stronghold for a time after they fled from their village.


The fort's interior

The fortress, primarily constructed from wood, stood on the limb of a large, hollow tree situated on the Forest Moon of Endor. Shaped like a bowl, it featured a minimum of two windows, a functional door, and a trapdoor built into the floor. A roughly crafted ladder extended from the moon's surface up to the stronghold. Supporting the fort's conical roof were upright beams. Over time, the stronghold's structural integrity diminished, resulting in cracks and leaks in the roof as boards began to detach.


The fort was erected by 3 ABY on the branch of a huge, hollow tree. It was eventually abandoned, leaving behind various furnishings, including a circular table. At some point, a Shriek named Larry, having run away from home, settled in the tree on which the fort stood. The Shriek adopted the guise of a malevolent forest spirit to scare away potential trespassers.

On the day of the Harvest Festival in 3 ABY, the Ewoks Wicket Wystri Warrick and Teebo ran away from Bright Tree Village to avoid their parents' rules. They discovered the old tree fort, and Warrick proposed making it their new residence. However, due to the structure's dilapidated state, the Ewoks spent the day reaffixing loose planks and readying their new abode for permanent occupancy by setting up hammocks and preparing food on an improvised stove. When fellow Ewoks Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka and Latara arrived at the fort, attempting to persuade their friends to return home, Warrick dismissed them, convinced that he and Teebo could manage on their own. As rainy weather approached, Warrick dispatched Teebo to procure dinner. Warrick continued cleaning the fort until Teebo returned with three creatures known as the Kagles, who dwelled near the fort. Teebo—having dined at the Kagles' home and failing to bring anything for Warrick—sat down at the table for a game of Trok with the Kagles, who expressed surprise that the Shrieks had granted the Ewoks permission to reside at the tree fort. When the Ewoks revealed their ignorance of the Shrieks, the Kagles fled in terror. Teebo suggested that he and Warrick return home, but Warrick, more concerned about facing ridicule from his fellow Ewoks than the threat of the Shrieks, persuaded Teebo to remain and confront the Shrieks themselves.

The fort's floor collapses.

That evening, the two Ewoks set up several traps and waited by lamplight as an ominous cackling echoed through the air. When Warrick snuffed out the lamp's flame, a Shriek named Larry entered the now pitch-black fort, and a struggle ensued. Warrick relit the lamp, and the Ewoks briefly glimpsed a figure fleeing through the fort's doorway. However, upon attempting to pursue, they became entangled in one of their own traps, preventing their advance and instead propelling them back to their initial position. Upon landing, the fort's floor gave way, and the Ewoks plummeted to the ground. They again witnessed something entering the hollow tree through its base, and they pursued and apprehended the figure. The Shriek identified himself as Larry, explaining that he had been haunting the area since running away from home several years prior. Upon eventually returning home, Larry continued, he discovered that his entire tribe had departed. Moved by Larry's tale, Warrick and Teebo resolved to abandon the fort and return home for the Harvest Festival, inviting Larry to join them.

Behind the scenes

The tree fort first appears in "Home is Where the Shrieks Are," the third installment of the second season of the Ewoks television series. The episode, penned by Bob Carrau and initially broadcast on September 20, 1986, leaves ambiguous the fort's original ownership and whether Larry occupied the tree before or after the fort's construction.

