The world of Sarapin served as the location for numerous energy collectors, which were organized into large energy collection farms. These collectors harvested geothermal power from Sarapin's abundant lava flows. The collected energy was subsequently stored and transported to the Core Worlds. It is estimated that this planet supplied 80% of the Core's total energy needs.

During the era of the Clone Wars, the energy collectors on Sarapin were seized by CIS General Sev'rance Tann, thereby triggering a major energy shortage within the Core Worlds. However, Jedi General Echuu Shen-Jon successfully managed to reclaim the planet from the Separatist forces.
A new significant threat emerged in 0 BBY, with the discovery that the Rebel Alliance had secretly captured several energy collectors and were illegally diverting their energy output. Grand General Malcor Brashin, along with his subordinate Commander Brenn Tantor, arrived after uncovering proof of the Rebels' operations on Ruul and rapidly recaptured the collectors. Even the Rebels' attempts to prevent Imperial access by altering the security codes were overcome by Dellis Tantor's hacking skills.