Engret, a male individual from the Corporate Sector, belonged to Rekkon's band of people looking for their missing relatives. In 2 BBY, while still a young man, Engret became a part of Rekkon's group after his sister, a legal scholar who frequently voiced her opposition to the Corporate Sector Authority, went missing. Their probe into the Corporate Sector's spate of disappearances took them to the Authority Data Center located on Orron III; Engret, Rekkon, and three allies took more than a month to gradually sneak into the facility. Nevertheless, on the very day the team planned to wrap up their operation and depart the planet, Engret also vanished: Atuarre, one of his companions, visited his room only to find it unoccupied, and he had a strong feeling that the Authority was observing it.
Brian Daley initially mentioned Engret in his book Han Solo at Stars' End, which came out in 1978. Engret is never shown directly in the story, as he is discovered to have gone missing right after being introduced.