Episode I Adventures 1: Search for the Lost Jedi is a young readers' novel from the Star Wars Legends continuity, penned by Ryder Windham. It represents the initial entry in the Star Wars: Episode I Adventures series. Scholastic released it in September of 1999, concurrently with its companion piece, Episode I Adventures Game Book 1: Search for the Lost Jedi.
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn are summoned to the Jedi High Council, where they receive a mission briefing. Upon entering the High Council Chamber, Jinn notices that Adi Gallia is not present and inquires about her whereabouts. Gallia was engaged in a clandestine operation on the world of Esseles, specifically in the capital city of Calamar, a hub for cutting-edge hyperdrive technology. The Council received an anonymous data card revealing that the Trinkatta Starships factory had initiated the production of experimental Vulture-class droid starfighters equipped with integrated hyperdrive systems. Concerned that these vessels were commissioned by a rogue faction aiming to instigate a civil conflict, the Council dispatched Gallia to identify the buyer. During her assignment, Gallia disappeared. The Council suggests that Jinn leave his Padawan in a safe location and enlist the aid of two Jedi knights, Vel Ardox and Noro Zak, to investigate Gallia's fate. The Council emphasizes that Gallia's previous act of saving Jinn's life was a key factor in their decision to assign him to this mission.
Before their departure, Jinn asks Kenobi to repair the ship's hatch. Once Kenobi is on board, Jinn promptly closes the hatch, stating that it requires fixing, and asks his Padawan to take a seat. The ship then journeys to Esseles, landing near the Trinkatta Starships facility on the outskirts of Calamar. Jinn directs Noro to conduct a reconnaissance flight over the factory grounds, while Jinn, Kenobi, and Ardox proceed to the factory via speeder. The factory complex comprises a substantial manufacturing building, a landing platform, and a twenty-story observation tower, all enclosed by a moat and a security perimeter. Upon approaching the main entrance outside the wall, the Jedi regroup and are soon confronted by two security droids guarding the gate. Jinn identifies them as building inspectors, but the droids respond that they are not expected and must leave, citing a fumigation process underway. As the factory typically emits toxic fumes, the chimneys atop the building begin to seal, trapping the smoke inside. Utilizing the Force, Jinn senses Gallia's presence and attempts to use a mind trick to gain entry. However, the droids receive orders from the central tower to eliminate the intruders. Before they can carry out these instructions, Ardox ignites his lightsaber and destroys both droids. Realizing that the toxic fumes pose a lethal threat to Gallia, the group quickly formulates a rescue strategy.
Qui-Gon Jinn decides to create a diversion at the primary checkpoint, enabling the other three to enter more discreetly. He employs the Force to open the outer wall's gate, prompting six droids to emerge from the main manufacturing building and advance towards the bridge spanning the moat. As Jinn crosses the bridge, he uses his comlink to update the other group on the mission's progress. They respond that they have encountered droids and have not yet breached the factory. Eight droids position themselves on the facility's roof near a water tower, preparing to fire upon Jinn. Jinn deflects their blasts, redirecting them to strike the tower's supports, causing the droids to fall off the roof and be destroyed. As the massive torrent of water surges towards Jinn, the Jedi leaps off the bridge and into the moat below. Jinn puts on a breather and finds a cave in the moat's innermost wall.
As Jinn enters the underwater tunnel, he detects a tentacle wrapping around his ankle. Rather than attacking the creature with his lightsaber, Jinn contemplates the nature of life in the dark cave and observes a human swimming by. The tentacle releases him, and Jinn perceives an apology and a warning about the strong current. Jinn continues his journey, and the current soon overwhelms him, rapidly propelling him into a large silo with a propeller at its base. Jinn notices a hatch at the silo's top, but he cannot wield his lightsaber while struggling against the powerful current. Using the Force, Jinn envisions the propeller bending and breaking. The propeller then disintegrates, and the water level in the silo begins to rise. Jinn forces the hatch open with his lightsaber and jumps through.
Jinn lands in a dry chamber, accidentally damaging his comlink. He quickly replaces the hatch before water floods the chamber. A moan is heard, revealing a prisoner who has been tortured, his arm severed. Jinn discovers that the creature is Boll Trinkatta, the owner of the manufacturing facility, who has been imprisoned after saboteurs reprogrammed his droids. When questioned about Gallia's location, Trinkatta reveals that the droids may have captured her after imprisoning him and are likely holding her at the top of the observation tower. When pressed about who ordered the hyperdrive starfighters, Trinkatta reluctantly admits they were being built for the Trade Federation. Trinkatta requests that they separate, and he departs through a secret tunnel while Jinn continues his search for Gallia.
Upon entering the factory's main building, Jinn uses a half-completed starship's weapons to create a hole in the ceiling, allowing the fumes to escape. Jinn uses the Force to pinpoint Gallia's location, realizing she is in the observation tower. Using a speeder to traverse the grounds, Jinn enters the tower and ascends to the 19th floor. Jinn peers out the observation tower's windows and observes an army of droids marching towards the tower. The detention center contains ten cells with transparent security fields. Each cell appears to contain an unconscious Gallia, which Jinn deduces to be nine holograms and one real Jedi. Using the nearby controls, Jinn disables the projections and the security field, freeing Gallia and carrying her out of the cell. Jinn decides that he must deactivate the droids before leaving to prevent them from escaping and causing harm. A nearby security cabinet contains a self-destruction initiator, which Jinn activates, starting a three-minute countdown. An alarm blares throughout the complex as Jinn exits the observation tower onto a landing deck with a speeder. To his surprise, the craft belongs to two Bartokk, the saboteurs who reprogrammed the droids. The two fired upon Jinn who quickly set down Gallia and destroyed the Bartokks which proved to be difficult as slicing them in two did not kill them but simply left them in two very much alive pieces. Slicing down further, however, the Bartokks proved even they could not escape death. Fleeing with Gallia in the speeder, Jinn regroups with his Padawan and the two knights at the facility's entrance. Gallia requires immediate medical attention, so Jinn instructs Ardox and Zak to transport her back to their cruiser and travel to Rhinnal for treatment. Jinn wants to investigate the Trade Federation's involvement in ordering the starfighters and remains on the planet with Kenobi.
Meanwhile, aboard a Trade Federation battleship near the edge of the Colonies, Viceroy Nute Gunray receives a communication from Darth Sidious, who inquires about the status of the new hyperdrive starfighters. Gunray replies that the freighter should have arrived fifteen minutes prior and expresses his confusion regarding the delay. Sidious informs him that the Jedi Council has become aware of the starfighters' existence but remains unaware of the Trade Federation's involvement. Sidious instructs Gunray to travel to the factory on Esseles to ensure the ships are en route and to silence the source of the leak to the Jedi Council.
Trinkatta reunites with Jinn and Kenobi. Jinn mentions that the Bartokks travel in groups of fifteen, suggesting that thirteen remain on the planet and may possess further information about the starfighters. Jinn then lifts Trinkatta by his shoulders and places the Kloodavian in the back of his speeder, exclaiming that they can not part ways yet as they still have the starfighters to locate.
- ISBN 9780439101387 ; September 1999 ; Scholastic Inc. ; US paperback [1]