Evram Darkmere

Evram Darkmere was once a space pirate. Later, during the era of the Galactic Civil War, he turned into an informant for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


His mother was a pirate, but she met her end when Evram was just ten, during a skirmish between the Daupherm Planet States and the Botor Enclave. This left Evram to care for himself and his younger brother, Garreck Darkmere. Two years passed, and Evram became a cabin boy serving within the Daupherm Merchant Fleet, while his brother was placed in an orphanage. Through dedication, Darkmere climbed the ranks to become a second-in-command, but his journey took another turn when he was conscripted into the Daupherm Marine Corps.

After his five-year military service concluded, Darkmere's former Captain, Gorvan Shrulldike, committed a daring act: he absconded with the Retribution, a Discril-class attack cruiser belonging to the Daupherm Systems Fleet. Shrulldike then established himself as both a slaver and a space pirate. Darkmere joined Shrulldike's crew, but he was disgusted by the practice of slavery. With assistance from Rebel agents, he challenged and defeated Shrulldike in a duel, thereby assuming command of the Retribution. Darkmere encountered Arsitta Kushoe, a woman who served as an X-wing pilot within the Rebel Alliance, and they developed a deep bond. However, when she was listed as missing-in-action, Darkmere underwent a transformation, endeavoring to support the Alliance while maintaining his independence. He relayed intelligence to the Alliance through his close friend, Nelson Flin, who was an Alliance military operative. His First Mate was Dexter Thorgrim, and they frequently frequented cantinas in search of new crew members. On one occasion, Darkmere met with General Airen Cracken of the Alliance in a Nar Shaddaa bar, where they shared some drinks.


  • Cracken's Rebel Operatives (First mentioned)
  • Pirates & Privateers

Notes and references
