Evram Lajaie

Evram Lajaie was a commander from the Human species who served the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He found himself at the Alliance's base located on Yavin 4 during 0 BBY. When General Jan Dodonna, who commanded the base, obtained the secret plans detailing the Galactic Empire's Death Star superweapon, Lajaie's profound understanding of both space defense strategies and orbital battle stations allowed him to swiftly identify a critical vulnerability in the Death Star's design. Subsequently, Lajaie participated in a meeting where Dodonna shared these findings with the starfighter squadrons stationed at the base, leading the General to formulate an attack strategy against the Imperial superweapon. In the ensuing space battle, Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker successfully annihilated the Death Star. Lajaie was present at a ceremony that celebrated Skywalker and other heroes who fought in the battle.


Evram Lajaie, a Human, held the rank of commander within the ranks of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. He was stationed at the Great Temple, which served as the Alliance's base on the moon Yavin 4, during the time of 0 BBY. In that year, General Jan Dodonna, the commander of the base, came into possession of the secret plans for the Galactic Empire's superweapon, which was the first Death Star battle station. Dodonna, along with Lajaie and other individuals, urgently sought out potential methods to destroy the station. Lajaie's expertise in space defense tactics and orbital battle stations proved invaluable, enabling him to rapidly analyze the Death Star schematics. Through thorough analysis, Lajaie identified a crucial flaw in the Death Star's architecture: a weakness in its thermal exhaust port that could be exploited by a proton torpedo assault.

Lajaie was present at the ceremony of awarding the Medal of Bravery to the Heroes of Yavin.

Lajaie attended a briefing where Dodonna not only discussed the findings but also arranged for the base's starfighter squadrons to initiate an attack against the Death Star. During the ensuing battle, Lajaie remained alongside Dodonna in the base's command center, closely monitoring the space battle. The battle ultimately concluded with the victory of the Rebellion when Rebel pilot Luke Skywalker successfully destroyed the Death Star by launching proton torpedoes into the thermal exhaust port, triggering a chain reaction that resulted in the complete destruction of the Death Star. Following the battle, Lajaie was in attendance at a ceremony where the Medal of Bravery was bestowed upon Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca.

Personality and traits

Evram Lajaie was a respected leader within the Alliance. His specialized knowledge of space defense and orbital battle stations was instrumental in his rapid discovery, which ultimately enabled Luke Skywalker to destroy the Death Star. Lajaie possessed gray hair and a light complexion.


Lajaie wore the standard uniform that was worn by the other officers present in the Great Temple.

Behind the scenes

Evram Lajaie's initial appearance was as an uncredited Rebel extra in the Yavin 4 scenes featured in the 1977 film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, including the concluding ceremony that honored the Heroes of Yavin. In 1993, The Farlander Papers, a booklet that accompanied the video game Star Wars: X-Wing upon its simultaneous release, contained an in-universe edited image sourced from the A New Hope film scenes depicting Dodonna's briefing prior to the Battle of Yavin. With Lajaie's extra included in the image, the photo shows a briefing on the MC80 Home One type Star Cruiser Independence prior to an Alliance mission to the Turkana system. However, it remains unconfirmed whether Lajaie is indeed the character depicted in that edited photo within the in-universe context. The character was first formally identified by name and provided with a concise backstory in the 1996 A New Hope Limited expansion set of the Star Wars Customizable Card Game.

