Explosive decompression

ThatsASpicyMeatball-CW25 A Skakoan meets his end due to a rapid loss of pressure after his protective suit is damaged. Sudden pressure loss, or explosive decompression, described the circumstances where an individual was exposed to an environment without sufficient atmospheric pressure, commonly a vacuum. This resulted in a swift and fatal crushing effect stemming from a pressure surge, ultimately leading to death. To counteract this, Skakoans, who were inherently vulnerable in most atmospheres, relied on wearing a specialized suit. Should this suit be compromised, the Skakoan would immediately perish.

Starships navigating the realm of hyperspace were also susceptible to explosive decompression. Given the unpredictable nature of physics within hyperspace, a breach in a ship's hull could trigger a seismic tug, potentially causing the ship to abruptly exit hyperspace and revert to realspace. In contrast to a typical outward explosion, the damaged section might simply detach. An example of this occurred in 5000 BBY when the Harbinger collided with the Omen at the precise moment the latter was entering hyperspace. The resulting seismic tug tore away the Omen's armory and a portion of its quarterdeck from the Sith dreadnaught.

During an incident where Jedi Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo crashed their ScragHull commando boat into the Ormni asteroid crusher, they, along with R2-D2, narrowly avoided being caught in the explosion of their starfighter's fusion core. They sought refuge in a locker room aboard the Ormni, sustaining significant injuries in the process. The Ormni's Captain Palis believed that there were no survivors, reasoning that the pilots of the ScragHull would have been unable to withstand the fusion core's explosion and the subsequent explosive decompression of the vault they had crashed into. However, the Sith Vestara Khai argued that survival in such circumstances was indeed possible.

