The destruction of the world of Desevro took place around the year 23,900 BBY. This event marked the conclusion of the century-spanning Tionese War, a conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion. The Republic, fueled by the persistent and fanatical resistance of their Tionese adversaries, launched pressure bomb attacks targeting the Tion Cluster worlds. After enduring widespread devastation, Desevro was the last to succumb to the Republic's might, leading to the unconditional surrender of the Honorable Union.

Beginning around 24,000 BBY and lasting for nearly a century, the Galactic Republic and the Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion were engaged in the Tionese War. This conflict involved the deployment of powerful pressure bombs against both Coruscant and Desevro, the respective capital worlds of the warring factions. Ultimately, the Tionese leadership came to believe that their culture was on the verge of extinction, threatened by the Republic's superior technology and the proximity of the Hutt Empire to the Tion Cluster.
Consequently, the Tionese continued their fanatical resistance, subjecting Republic territories and citizens to surprise attacks, raids, and terrorist actions. The Republic, in turn, radicalized and adopted a strategy of total war, advancing along the Perlemian Trade Route super-hyperroute and inflicting devastation upon numerous worlds within the Tion region through the use of pressure bombs.
Approximately around 23,900 BBY, Republic forces bombarded Desevro, causing widespread destruction. This planet was the final Tionese world to fall, which ultimately led to the Honorable Union's unconditional surrender.
Initially, the Republic's military commanders intended to sterilize Desevro as a demonstration to the remaining Tionese forces, thus rejecting their surrender. However, this decision prompted the Jedi Order to sever ties with the Republic. The Jedi, an organization of Force-sensitives committed to protecting the Republic and who had participated in the Tionese War as Republic commanders, could not condone the Republic's planned barbaric actions. Consequently, intense discussions took place above Desevro between the Jedi and the Republic's leadership.

In the end, the Jedi consented to monitor the Tion Cluster from a network of Republic fortress worlds located along the Coreward boundaries of the cluster. The Honorable Union of Desevro & Tion's surrender brought the Tionese War to an end, eventually resulting in the Tion Cluster's integration into the Republic. Furthermore, Desevro's surrender prevented a young Republic soldier, who had joined the Republic Military just four months prior, from seeking revenge in battle for the Tionese destruction of their home on Okator VIII.
The downfall of Desevro was initially referenced in the 2012 reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart.