Farbinda III

Farbinda III, a celestial body, existed within the Farbinda system. This system was situated within the Trailing Sectors region of the Inner Rim. A group of conscientious objectors established a colony on this object during the reign of the Galactic Empire. An Imperial strike force once captured all of the colonists who lived there. Tarn Mison, a smuggler who was delivering supplies to the colony and happened to be present at the time, observed the event. The colonists offered no resistance, yet they were all executed. Mison grappled with the memory of what he had witnessed for several months afterward. Shortly following the Battle of Yavin, he decided to become a member of the Rebel Alliance.

Behind the scenes

The reference book The Essential Guide to Warfare, released in 2012 and written by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart, was the first time Farbinda III was mentioned. The StarWars.com Online Companion for the 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas indicated that the Farbinda system, and consequently Farbinda III, was located in grid square N-14.


  • The Essential Guide to Warfare (First mentioned)

Notes and references
