Farfalla's Knights

Valenthyne Farfalla, during the New Sith Wars, commanded a personal military force composed of three hundred Jedi Knights. This group was under the leadership of Lord Valenthyne Farfalla. A significant portion of these Knights belonged to the Equine species, sharing Farfalla's own heritage. Nevertheless, the army demonstrated a considerable range of species, incorporating a number of Humans as well as avian and reptilian beings.


Farfalla had originally promised only one-hundred Knights to Hoth, but he managed to gather a larger force and arrived with significantly more reinforcements. Following the defeat of the disloyal King Lahzar, a Sith ally, Farfalla led his Knights to Ruusan to support the Army of Light. The Army of Light was engaged in a protracted war against the Brotherhood of Darkness. They penetrated the planet's blockade and arrived just in time to rescue General Kiel Charny and his troops. Charny's forces had been attacked by a diversionary force of thousands of Sith warriors, while the Sith Lords, under the command of Lord Kaan, unleashed a massive wave of Force-based destruction. After decimating Charny's forces, the Sith Lords began an aerial assault. Farfalla's ornate flagship arrived at the crucial moment, destroying the Sith swoops in the air and saving Charny.

However, the proud Lord Hoth refused their continued assistance, feeling frustrated by the day's heavy losses and also influenced by the long-standing rivalry between them. Lord Hoth intended to launch a final attack on the Sith forces trapped within their caves. It was only through the actions of Valenthyne Farfalla's envoy, who feigned delivering an apology from Farfalla, that the two armies were able to cooperate. Hoth responded by sending back an apology of his own. Farfalla recognized the deception, but he chose to engage the Sith forces in the seventh and final battle of Ruusan regardless. Lord Hoth then departed to confront Kaan and his thought bomb, which resulted in the destruction of both him and all the Sith.

Behind the scenes

In Jedi vs. Sith, it seems that Farfalla and his soldiers are killed by Kaan's thought bomb. This is reinforced by Bane of the Sith, which claims that "Every Force-user on Ruusan had been annihilated, warriors both light and dark." However, the more recent book, Path of Destruction, presents a different account, stating that they escaped far enough to survive, and Farfalla reorganized his troops to eliminate any remaining Sith. According to the author of Path of Destruction, this detail was established in the Holocron continuity database before he began writing.

