Farquil Ban'n

Farquil Ban'n, originating from Clak'dor VII, was a Bith female who served as an aide to Embra the Hutt in 0 BBY. When Embra engaged in a contest with fellow Hutts Malta and Jabba Desilijic Tiure to determine who could secure the most capable individuals to recover the prized Yavin Vassilika artifact, Ban'n was tasked with managing Embra's hired guns, namely the bounty hunters Zuckuss, 4-LOM, and Sardu Sallowe. The hunt then began, with Embra's team competing against the likes of Boba Fett, Bossk, and Han Solo.

However, Ban'n had her own agenda, aiming to seize the reward for herself and break free from Embra's servitude. She made the decision to tail Jozzel Moffet, Malta's assistant, who had initially proposed the entire endeavor and was accompanying Solo and another of Jabba's contractors, Lando Calrissian, on their quest. After Moffet obtained the artifact, Ban'n tracked her to the jungle moon of Yavin 4, where Moffet was compensated for handing over the Vassilika to representatives from the Alliance to Restore the Republic. A firefight erupted as the other contractors converged on the moon, but Ban'n managed to isolate Moffet, eliminate her, and claim the four million credits payment. Ban'n then left Embra's service, only to be pursued by Fett, who reclaimed the money on Jabba's behalf.


The Yavin Vassilika

Farquil Ban'n confers with Bib Fortuna and Jozzel Moffet.

Originating from Clak'dor VII, her species' homeworld, Farquil Ban'n was a Bith female. She secured a position working for Embra the Hutt. In 0 BBY, Embra requested that she wear a Theselonian bridal gown while serving him biscuits, a task Ban'n found extremely unpleasant. One week later, she accompanied Embra to the palace of Jabba Desilijic Tiure, another Hutt who had recently triumphed in a significant victory over the rival Besadii clan. Embra, along with another Hutt named Malta, traveled to the palace on Tatooine to pay tribute to Jabba and join him in a game of dejarik. Meanwhile, Ban'n, along with Jabba's majordomo, Bib Fortuna, and Malta's handmaiden, Jozzel Moffet, watched from the sidelines, awaiting instructions from their masters. Ban'n and Moffet spoke negatively about their employers, which irritated Fortuna, but Moffet insisted that she would escape her servitude to Malta and earn her own living, a notion Ban'n doubted.

Ban'n and Fortuna observed as Moffet served wine to Malta and then pushed the limits of her role by suggesting a competition between the three Hutts. The legendary and highly valuable Yavin Vassilika artifact had recently resurfaced, piquing the Hutts' interest. They established the rules for the treasure hunt, stipulating that each Hutt could hire only three contractors to locate the Vassilika and bring it to Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon. Embra quickly put Ban'n to work compiling information from his network of informants, creating a list of the contractors hired by his rivals. Jabba chose to hire the smugglers Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, while Malta hired a trio of bounty hunters: IG-88B, Bossk, and Dengar. Embra decided to follow suit, meeting with the bounty hunters Zuckuss, 4-LOM, and Sardu Sallowe at his residence.

Embra placed Ban'n at the disposal of the trio, ensuring they received a comprehensive breakdown of the mission, including lists of rival contractors. 4-LOM pointed out that Jabba had only hired two individuals to hunt for the Vassilika, and Embra admitted that the identity of the third had eluded his and Ban'n's intelligence network. The Hutt assured the bounty hunters that his Bith servant would continue her efforts to uncover the information and would relay it to them as soon as it became available. Sallowe suggested they would find out for themselves, before the trio left to find the Vassilika. Jabba's third contractor was eventually revealed to be another bounty hunter, Boba Fett. Ban'n, secretly desiring to claim the prize for herself, chose to act independently of Embra and track Moffet, who was personally accompanying Solo and Calrissian on the hunt. During the hunt, Zuckuss decided to gain an advantage by placing 200,000 credits registered bounties on both Bossk and Dengar as a contingency plan, which Ban'n was aware of. Ultimately, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, and Sallowe managed to track the Vassilika to an uncharted planet inhabited by a colony of Barundi, with Jabba's and Malta's contractors following closely behind.

Turning the tables

Ban'n departs from Yavin 4 with her prize as Zuckuss and Sallowe look on.

4-LOM was effectively incapacitated by the Barundi while trying to retrieve the Vassilika from their village. Ultimately, Moffet recovered the artifact and transported it to the jungle moon of Yavin 4. Ban'n traveled to the moon in her ship as Moffet met with General Jan Dodonna and Bria Tharen, representatives of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, who exchanged the true Vassilika for four million credits and a perfect forgery of the artifact. However, the exchange was interrupted by Zuckuss, Sallowe, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88B, and eventually Fett. Zuckuss attempted to seize the briefcase full of credits, triggering a firefight between the bounty hunters. Amidst the chaos, one of Sallowe's Jawa assistants absconded with the briefcase, pursued by another bounty hunter, Greedo, who had been accompanying Moffet, Calrissian, and Solo. He, in turn, was pursued by Moffet, who was still being tracked by the clandestine Ban'n.

Greedo eventually caught the Jawa, allowing Moffet to easily reclaim the briefcase. As Malta's servant attempted to leave with both the replica Vassilika and the briefcase, Ban'n emerged and fatally shot her in the back just as Zuckuss and Sallowe arrived. The bounty hunters expressed surprise at the Bith's sudden appearance, but she managed to appease them by handing over the replica Vassilika, which they could take to Embra to claim the reward. Ban'n also promised to arrange an additional 200,000 credits for Zuckuss, to be used either to repair 4-LOM or to cover one of his registered bounties on Bossk and Dengar. Ban'n then departed Yavin 4 in her ship and traveled across the galaxy to another world, where she relaxed on a beach with her briefcase of 4 million credits, watching the planet's suns set. She then contacted Embra on her comlink and informed him of her resignation. She ended the call as the Hutt protested, only to be surprised by Boba Fett, who arrived unannounced to collect the credits for Jabba. The credits were the proceeds from a sale of Besadii spice acquired in Jabba's earlier victory, and the Hutt believed they were rightfully his. Fett successfully took the money from Ban'n.

Personality and traits

Farquil Ban'n harbored dissatisfaction with her employment and held a low opinion of her employer, Embra, even finding him and his fellow Hutts contemptible. A reserved Bith, she possessed a sarcastic and witty nature, similar to Jozzel Moffet, another servant of the Hutts, and she addressed those more devoted to the Hutts, such as Bib Fortuna, in a condescending manner. Embra utilized Ban'n as a gatherer of information and data, and she played a crucial role in organizing his three bounty hunters dispatched to retrieve the Yavin Vassilika. She admired Moffet's cunning in acquiring the Vassilika by deceiving numerous bounty hunters and smugglers, and she also respected the work of the bounty hunter Zuckuss. Ban'n was also an enterprising individual, adopting Moffet's idea of establishing financial independence to escape the Hutts' influence and deciding to make that aspiration her own. After retiring from Embra the Hutt's service, Ban'n became very particular about her comfort, even confronting those who would obstruct her sunlight when she chose to bask in the warmth of the suns.

Appearance, attire, and equipment

Farquil Ban'n had black eyes and pink skin, typical of Bith throughout the galaxy. While in Embra's service, she wore brown robes with a black yoke, and she donned a cloak and cap on Yavin 4. After leaving Embra's employ, she favored a straw hat while relaxing on the beach. Ban'n used a blaster pistol and a ship with a purple hull. Her belongings also included a comlink capable of making interplanetary calls and a drinking glass.

Behind the scenes

Farquil Ban'n made her debut in the first issue of the Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika (2001) comic series, penned by Mike Kennedy and illustrated by Carlos Meglia. The character did not reappear until the fifth issue of the series.

