
Pammant, a planet riddled with tunnels, existed within the Calamari sector situated in the Outer Rim Territories. The Quarren hailing from nearby Dac asserted dominion over Pammant, along with other planets in the sector, repurposing them as bases for the starship construction industry. During the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Pammant shipyards served the Quarren-led Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps in the creation of Separatist warships like the Malevolence and the Invisible Hand. These vessels were used as flagships by the Separatist General Grievous. However, prior to the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, Pammant met its end when the Republic Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser Quaestor experienced a hyperspace mishap, resulting in a collision that shattered the planet and saturated it with radiation, leading to its devastation.


Located in the Calamari sector of the [Outer Rim Territories](/article/outer_rim_territories-legends], the tunneled planet of Pammant resided within the Pammant system. It was positioned along the Overic Griplink hyperlane, facilitating connections between Pammant and two nearby planets: Dac to the galactic northwest and Mantan to the galactic south. Despite its initial uninhabited status, Pammant was among the planets in the Calamari sector claimed by the aquatic Quarren, who transformed these worlds into sites for starship construction yards.


A Quarren, whose species colonized Pammant

Before 4166 BBY, Pammant, an unpopulated world, joined the ranks of planets like Minntooine and Buchich in being claimed by the Quarren within the Calamari sector. These new acquisitions were repurposed by the Quarren as locations for their shipyards. By the time the Clone Wars erupted millennia later, Pammant was home to both a Quarren colony and the Pammant Docks, a manufacturing complex nestled within the planet's subterranean tunnels.

Following the outbreak of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, the Quarren Isolation League was established, aligning itself with the Confederacy and prompting the Quarren-dominated worlds in the Calamari sector to follow suit. On Pammant and Minntooine alike, the Quarren of the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps manufactured diverse warships for use by the Confederate Navy. Pammant's docks became a valuable asset to the Confederacy. The shipyards produced Providence-class carrier/destroyers, including the Invisible Hand, the Colicoid Swarm, and the Lucid Voice, all deployed by the Separatist Supreme Commander, General Grievous, to instill fear throughout the Republic.

Moreover, the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser line was both designed and built on Pammant, a fact kept secret by the Quarren Separatists, who masked their activities with the construction of the Providence-class carrier/destroyers. During the construction of the heavy cruiser Malevolence, Republic spies observing Pammant noted the massive drydock housing the warship's construction. Upon the ship's launch, the operatives were captured before they could relay their sighting of the colossal vessel to the Republic government on Coruscant. Weeks later, the Malevolence's sister ship, the Devastation, was launched from Pammant. After the destruction of the Malevolence, Clone Captain Lock led a clone trooper squad to sift through the cruiser's wreckage. They uncovered evidence confirming that the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps had constructed the warship at Pammant, validating suspicions held by Republic Intelligence. The Confederacy also investigated the Malevolence's crash site, but with the aim of retrieving intelligence for the construction of a new Malevolence at Pammant. Grievous personally oversaw this endeavor, traveling to Pammant alongside Separatist leader Count Dooku. They were pursued by a Jedi Knight, who engaged them in a duel on the planet.

Shortly before the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, the Republic Praetor-class Star Battlecruiser Quaestor spearheaded a Republic attack on Pammant. During the conflict, torpedo droids damaged the battlecruiser's hyperdrive, causing the ship to jump into hyperspace and collide with the planet. This event resulted in the destruction of the Quaestor and the devastation of Pammant, which was fractured to its core and saturated with radiation.


Initially uninhabited, Pammant was claimed by the Quarren, who established a colony there. They allied with the Confederacy during the Clone Wars, utilizing their factories to bolster the Separatist war effort.


The Malevolence, a Separatist warship manufactured at Pammant

Pammant, a planet riddled with tunnels, was home to the underground shipbuilding facilities of the Pammant Docks and the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps. These factories were instrumental in the production of Separatist warships during the Clone Wars, including the Invisible Hand and the Malevolence.

Behind the scenes

Pammant, the Quarren colony world, was first mentioned briefly in the 2005 publication Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections as the site of the Invisible Hand's construction. Since then, the world has appeared in various sources, each adding minor details to Pammant's history. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: The Visual Guide, published in 2008, established Pammant as the origin of the Malevolence from The Clone Wars TV series, and 2009's The Essential Atlas provided both the galactic location of Pammant and a concise history of the world.

