Lock (clone trooper)

Lock, a clone trooper captain within the Grand Army of the Republic, served during the Clone Wars. Having survived the Battle of Geonosis, he later commanded a clone trooper squad on the Mission to Kynachi, where he ultimately died alongside the squad's freighter. This Republic group was later known as "Breakout Squad." Additionally, Lock oversaw a cleanup operation on the planet where the warship Malevolence was destroyed. Lock originated the callsigns Breaker, Sharp, and Chatterbox.


Like all clone troopers, the clone captain known as Lock was created on the Wild Space planet of Kamino to fight for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars.

First Battle of Geonosis

Lock was a participant in the First Battle of Geonosis, which occurred in 22 BBY and marked the beginning of the Clone Wars.

Mission to the Kaliida Nebula

Soon after Anakin Skywalker's successful effort to destroy the Malevolence, Captain Lock was given the task of going through the wreckage to find out who had built the Separatist warship. Lock got to the Kalida Nebula on the star destroyer Demolisher. He took the clone trooper shinies CT-8863, CT-4012 and CT-5177 to the Malevolence crash site with a Nu-class attack shuttle. Lock thought it was annoying for the three troopers to call each other by their number, so he gave them nicknames based on what they were good at. CT-4012 was called "Sharp" because he saw the symbol of the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps in the wreckage. CT-8863 was called Breaker, which was short for "circuit breaker," because he found a circuit board that looked different. As Captain Lock was about to give CT-5177 his nickname, a B1-Series battle droid came out of the wreckage and started shooting at the clones. CT-5177 was hit and fell down while the other clones shot back. The droid was quickly destroyed, but CT-5177 was badly hurt. Lock decided to end the mission and they quickly took their injured friend to the shuttle and back to the star destroyer for medical help. Lock insisted that his brother would live, and would not tell him his new nickname unless he did survive.

Mission to Kynachi

They were quickly sent on a new mission to the planet Kynachi where the strange circuit board had been made. Lock and his troopers, along with a recovered CT-5177, met in the Jedi Temple's landing bay. Then, he told the clone that his nickname was Chatterbox, which was funny because the clone was usually quiet. For the mission, he was under the command of Jedi General Ring-Sol Ambase and had 11 clones and two pilots. They were supposed to go to Kynachi secretly and use a freighter that wasn't marked. But Lock didn't know that the shuttle had been messed with. As soon as they left hyperspace, Separatist forces attacked the freighter. Lock was in the cockpit of the freighter when the attack started and shouted that droid fighters were coming. His voice was cut off when an explosion shook the ship. The troopers tried to leave the ship as more explosions happened, but the launch systems for the escape pods had been changed. So, they had to be launched by hand from the freighter. As the first pod was launched, Breaker, Knuckles, Chatterbox, and Nuru Kungurama jumped into the second one, but they realized that someone had to stay behind. Lock managed to drag his hurt body to the pods. Breaker told the captain to get into the pod while he stayed to launch it. After understanding the situation, he pushed Breaker into the pod and launched it, saying that he was in charge until he died. As the escape pod went towards the planet, the freighter exploded, killing Lock and everyone else on board.

Personality and traits

Lock cared about his fellow clones and wanted them to be more like individuals, so he wanted to give them nicknames. He was willing to give up his life for his team and made it clear that he was in charge when he pushed Breaker into the escape pod.


Captain Lock wore standard clone armor that looked "scuffed and scratched", along with a worn helmet that had jagged blue designs.

Behind the scenes

In the mini-game "Card Commander" from Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, a different Clone Captain Lock is wrongly credited with Lock's final words.

