During the Clone Wars, Breakout Squad served as a unit of clone troopers within the Grand Army of the Republic. This group was initially composed mostly of shinies and operated under the leadership of veteran Clone Captain Lock.
Before they adopted the name Breakout Squad, the team's initial assignment took them to a moon located near the Kaliida Nebula in 22 BBY. They were dispatched from the Republic vessel Demolisher with the task of sifting through the remains of the Separatist heavy cruiser, the infamous Malevolence.
Soon after, they embarked on a clandestine mission to Kynachi to unravel the mysteries of the unique circuitry discovered amidst the wreckage of the Malevolence. The team assigned to this mission included 11 Clone Troopers, two pilots, Captain Lock, and Jedi Master Ring-Sol Ambase. Nuru Kungurama joined the mission in secret. Their ship met its end upon arrival, and Master Ambase was taken captive. Eventually, Kungurama guided the surviving members to dismantle a CIS factory and successfully rescued three clones. It was on Kynachi that Breakout Squad received directives from Palpatine to journey to the Chiss Ascendancy. It was also during this time that the group was officially named Breakout Squad by the chancellor.
Following their time on Kynachi, the surviving members, accompanied by Captain Lalo Gunn, traveled aboard her starship, the Hasty Harpy, to the Chiss' Defense Force Station Ifpe'a for a meeting with Aristocra Sev'eere'nuruodo. The station fell under attack by a Separatist fleet commanded by Overseer Umbrag and was ultimately destroyed. As the Hasty Harpy made its escape into hyperspace, it emerged within a Black Hole sector. Breakout Squad then allied themselves with Hethra Mcgrrrr's Black Hole Pirates and managed to escape the perilous region using an Infinity Gate.
While Breakout Squad was en route back to Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine contacted them and requested they divert to Vaced to rendezvous with Langu Sommilor, the Commissioner of Kynachi, and escort him to Coruscant. On Vaced, the Commissioner was fatally sniped by a member of the Mandalorian Death Watch. Kungurama pursued the sniper, and following a confrontation that resulted in the destruction of the Hasty Harpy, the sniper was presumed dead. The swoop biker Gizz aided Kungurama, and Breakout Squad rescued him from the Vaced authorities. Kungurama then tracked an imagecaster to Bilbringi Depot. There Breakout Squad freed the facility from Overseer Umbrag. The Aristocra then appeared and told the Jedi about a suspected conspiracy against the Republic. Master Ambase then appeared and destroyed Sev'eere'nuruodo's ship. Jedi General Kit Fisto arrived to assist in the cleanup, and they discovered the real Langu Sommilor was still alive.
Breakout Squad then made their way back to Coruscant. Working alongside Master Harro Kelpura, Breakout Squad investigated a break-in at Kelpura's laboratory in the Dacho District. Ambase, under the belief that Kungurama had succumbed to the dark side, engaged him in a duel before collapsing. Subsequently, Kungurama was promoted to the permanent commander of Breakout Squad, and the team was tasked with investigating the disappearance of the freighter Spice Siren.
Breakout Squad's subsequent assignment came directly from Grand Master Yoda. The squad was dispatched to Affa to safeguard the freighters belonging to Noggox the Hutt. Upon their arrival, they discovered a scene of carnage. General Fisto arrived, and Breakout Squad escorted the freighters to Fondor, and defeated the Neimoidian pirate's Dool Pundar battleship. While on Fondor, Giz encountered a blind Twi'lek, Kuvuta Pindi. Kungurama agreed to escort her and her orphaned younglings to the placement center on Foless. Once on Foless, Kungurama realized that Pindi was working with Pundar and Breakout Squad pursued her. Pundar was captured and Pindi was killed. Breakout Squad then returned to Coruscant.
- Jedi Commander Nuru Kungurama [1]
- Clone Captain Lock † [1]
- Dyre † [1]
- Trueblood [1]
- Close-Shave [1]
- No-Nines [1]
- Knuckles [1]
- Breaker [1]
- Sharp [1]
- Chatterbox [1]
- A Clawdite bounty hunter (imposter)† [3]
The Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Secret Missions novel series by Ryder Windham primarily revolves around Breakout Squad.