Skirmish at the Fondor Shipyards

A minor engagement transpired in the vicinity of the Fondor Shipyards amid the Clone Wars. In the year 22 BBY, Dool Pundar, a pirate, utilized his Lucrehulk-class battleship known as the Profit to execute a surprise attack on a modest Republic squadron orbiting Fondor, with the objective of seizing its consignment of droid processors. As the Nu-class shuttle of Breakout Squad alongside the Delta-7B interceptor piloted by Kit Fisto engaged the droid starfighters, Jedi Commander Nuru Kungurama deliberately grounded his transport directly into a hangar situated on the Profit in an attempt to apprehend Pundar. Shortly after, the pirate captain gave instructions for his subordinates to evacuate the vessel and made his own departure via an escape pod. Kungurama, accompanied by Gizman, combatted numerous B1 battle droids before successfully commandeering the Lucrehulk battleship.

