
Dyre was a clone trooper of the Galactic Republic who existed throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.


Dyre, a clone originating from the Human male bounty hunter known as Jango Fett, came into existence on the planet of Kamino, and his height was 1.83 meters when fully developed. In the year 22 BBY, Dyre received assignment to a mission destined for [Kynachi], partnering with Captain Lock and Jedi Master Ring-Sol Ambase. Upon their arrival, their ship fell victim to an ambush and subsequent destruction orchestrated by droid starfighters belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The escape pod utilized by Dyre experienced a crash landing on the planet's surface. Subsequently, he met his demise in an ambush carried out by B1-series battle droids.

Behind the scenes

The character of Dyre is featured in The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 1: Breakout Squad, a novel for young readers authored by Ryder Windham.

