Langu Sommilor, a male being, held the position of Commissioner for the world of Kynachi. In 21 BBY, during the era of the Clone Wars, the Breakout Squad of the Galactic Republic successfully liberated his planet from a decade-long occupation by the Techno Union.
During the Clone Wars era, Langu Sommilor, a male Kynachi, served as the Commissioner of the planet of Kynachi. In the year 21 BBY, the Galactic Republic's Breakout Squad achieved the liberation of his world from the control of the Techno Union. Shortly thereafter, a Black Sun imposter took his place, and later met with Breakout Squad on Vaced. The imposter was then killed by a sniper. Sommilor was subsequently discovered bound within his freighter, after which he journeyed to Coruscant to have a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.
The character Langu Sommilor made his initial appearance in The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 3: Duel at Shattered Rock, a book for young readers penned by Ryder Windham. In the subsequent book, The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 4: Guardians of the Chiss Key, that Sommilor was revealed to be an impostor.