Onderon swoop race track

Onderon swoop racing. The Onderon swoop race track started out as an illegal venue for swoop racing, before the Onderon government sanctioned the sport a few years before 3951 BBY. This track largely went beneath and around the Iziz defense walls, utilizing caves and old ruins. Some local racers found the circuit difficult because of its unique changes in elevation; most tracks throughout the galaxy were flat. Moreover, racers had to avoid wreckage from the track's historically dangerous races.

Like many things on Onderon, swoop racing had political undertones. Queen Talia and her government strictly followed the galactic three-round racing system to show their support for the Republic. On the other hand, Jonra Far, a champion racer, loudly supported General Vaklu's political opposition after each race. The importance placed on swoop racing was also clear from how seriously racers' conduct was taken. Racers who "misbehaved" could lose their right to race. Swoop racers were expected to resolve their issues on the track.

