The Segmi constituted a sentient species native to the planet Kathol. These beings were artificially created by the ancient Kathol construct called the DarkStryder. Their genetic makeup was designed for the purpose of serving as a builder race, taking the place of the exiled Charr Ontee. Their physical form resembled that of enormous worms, capable of secreting a resinous material. This substance was employed in the construction of the structural framework for buildings. Upon the completion of the Darkstryder's fortified lair, the Segmi's intended role was fulfilled, leading them to disperse and establish their own society. Similar to the majority of the other servants of Kathol, the Segmi also acquired the ability to influence the Ta-Ree life force present around Kathol's ancient planet. Certain individuals within the Segmi species were later re-captured when the Darkstryder had need of newly developed components within its fortress.