"Finn and the Busted Droids – Chapter 3", which premiered on YouTube on November 1, 2019, is the thirteenth installment of the Star Wars Roll Out series of animated shorts.
The episode begins with FN-2187 still affixed to the magnet as the compactors draw nearer. Just as things look bleakest, the machine recognizes that he is not a droid. A massive robotic arm raises him and a round opening appears. The two broken droids reach up towards the light in hopelessness and disappointment. The robotic arm returns FN-2187 to the surface, abandoning the two damaged droids in the garbage compactor.
More waste, including a run-down green droid, gets dumped into the garbage chute. The silver and orange droids are on the verge of losing all hope when FN-2187, feeling sympathy for them, opens a shaft and climbs down a rope. He then employs a rope and pulley system to hoist the droids out of the garbage compactor. The droids express their gratitude to Finn.
Not long after, Captain Phasma and the rest of the FN Corps are running away from the green, fire-breathing creature, which has escaped once more. They take cover behind FN-2187 and the droids. The creature advances towards a hoversled laden with trash. Finn formulates a plan, and the droids use wire to hold the creature in place long enough for FN-2187 to force dirt into its mouth. Finn and the broken droids then subdue the creature, gaining the admiration of Captain Phasma and the stormtroopers.
Later on, Finn observes the grateful droids being repaired on a factory assembly line. The episode concludes with Finn laughing with joy.