
The Flakax represented an insectoid and sentient species that originated from the planet Flax.

Biology and appearance

Flakax were bipedal insectoids whose height varied from 1.8 to 2.3 meters. A black carapace armored them. Each thorax supported two arms, each ending in three pincers, and they moved on two legs, each with two lengthy digits. Their heads were characterized by sizable compound eyes, a pair of short antennae, and a quartet of mandibles. Concealed within the mandibles was a diminutive beak utilized for piercing and extracting fluids. Their abdomens could illuminate or produce flashing light signals, along with the capability to discharge a repulsive gas that caused irritation to the eyes and lungs of humanoid adversaries.

The majority of Flakax existed as sexless drones, with each hive structured around a singular female that reigned as queen. Males were exceedingly scarce, fulfilling the sole function of mating with the females, after which they were consumed.

Drones and males relied entirely on their queen for command. Solitary Flakax, commonly males who avoided being eaten or drones orphaned by the sudden death of a queen, posed a threat. Absent the queen's direction, they became mentally unstable and psychopathic.

Society and culture

The Flakax hailed from the mountainous and desert world of Flax. Due to towering coastal mountain ranges that inhibited atmospheric moisture transfer from the seas, most of the land was desert. Despite the constant threat of tectonic activity, the Flakax made their homes in subterranean hives distributed across the planet, establishing their colonies underneath the dunes.

Flakax society was centered around the hive and its queen, with all Flakax performing their hive duties diligently and with little autonomy. However, unlike the Bilars and the Fefze, they did not possess a true group mind; each Flakax maintained individual sentience. When faced with danger, a Flakax prioritized the safety of the queen and hive before concerning itself with its own well-being. The sexless drones handled all the hive's physical labor, while the males existed solely to reproduce before being promptly executed and devoured.

Flakax drones lacked the personalities or emotions recognized by other species; they experienced neither fear, joy, love, nor hate. They were amoral, inherently practical, and pragmatic. Each hive was overseen by a single female, the queen, who provided all motivation and creativity but had no interest in outside activities or beings. Separate hives never formed lasting alliances, collaborating or clashing based on the whims of their queens. Flakax were intensely focused, never deviating from their current course of action.

Their biology and capacity for coordinated action rendered Flakax formidable opponents in combat, always prepared to fight to the death.

Despite limited technology, Flakax could design and construct complex structures, relying solely on their natural abilities. This constituted their planet's sole export, with entire Flakax hives engaged in design and construction on less advanced planets throughout the galaxy.


The Flakax's home planet, Flax, was located in the Ptera system, part of the Sumitra sector. Early in the galaxy-wide conflict of the Clone Wars, the Sephi began movements to secede from the Galactic Republic. The Flakax were among several species in the Sumitra sector whose secession was feared because of the Sephi's actions. A series of events on Thustra led to the Battle of Thustra, which concluded with the death of King Alaric, who predicted on his deathbed that the sector would indeed leave the Republic.

When Supreme Chancellor Palpatine abolished the Republic and established the Galactic Empire, Flax was among the many worlds subdued by the New Order. The Flakax willingly submitted to the Empire, with the queens signing agreements that transferred vast tracts of land to the Imperials. The drones were then tasked with mining the extensive mineral deposits within the bedrock beneath the Flakax hives. In return, the queens requested Imperial protection and military support. In reality, the Flakax had become slaves of the Empire, yet their inherent sense of duty toward a larger objective meant they had no complaints.

In 36 ABY, they were among the numerous insectoid species coerced into aligning with the Killiks during the Swarm War. Han and Leia Organa Solo uncovered and disrupted the Killik plan to seize control of the planet Flax.

Behind the scenes

Gamemasters involved in Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game were advised against allowing players to select Flakax as their character's species.

