Flarestar system

The Flarestar system, which is also referred to as the Aridus system, was a stellar system situated within the Narvath sector of the galaxy's Expansion Region. This system sat along the Gamor Run and featured a star with the planet Aridus in its orbit; Aridus served as the native world for the Chubbit race.

Context of Creation

Originally, the Flarestar system was devised for inclusion in The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, a Star Wars Legends reference work. Daniel Wallace authored the book, while Sue Rostoni and Steve Saffel served as editors. Brandon McKinney and Scott Kolins provided the illustrations, and its release date was July 21, 1998. Later, The Essential Atlas, another Legends reference book by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace, published on August 18, 2009, established its identity as the Aridus system and specified its location as grid square O-14.

Source Material

  • The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons (Initial mention)
  • The Essential Atlas (identified as Aridus system)
  • Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link) (identified as Aridus system)

Additional Information
