Flexisteel, sometimes spelled flexsteel, represented a robust and resilient substance employed within engineering disciplines. This stainless material possessed metallic properties while simultaneously exhibiting a high degree of flexibility.
Beryl Chiffonage leveraged flexisteel in the creation of the tow cable integrated into a power harpoon launcher. This launcher was used by snowspeeders of the Alliance at Echo Base located on the planet Hoth.
Its applications frequently included the manufacture of flexcord, and it could also be arranged in layers to produce exceptionally resistant armor plating for starships. Furthermore, flexisteel found utility in the fabrication of surgical instruments, for instance, scalpels.
During the extraction of Corusca gems on Yavin, Corusca fishermen utilized cables constructed from flexisteel. Their customary practice involved connecting an energy purse seine or a flexisteel net featuring a dense mesh to multiple space-faring, single-occupant skiffs along with a single trawler. The trawler's function was to supply motive power to the entire assembly, while the skiffs maintained the stability of the net.