The ancient governing entity of the industrialized planet Fondor and its associated Fondor Shipyards was the Fondor Guild of Starshipwrights. Although a small participant in the Techno Union, the guild provided minimal support to the Confederacy of Independent Systems' wartime activities, largely because numerous members opposed the Separatist objectives.
Around the time of the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, the Galactic Empire implemented nationalization on Fondor; nevertheless, the Guild maintained its authority to supervise the building of the Super Star Destroyer Executor in 0 ABY.
Before enlisting with the Rebel Alliance, Hosh Hune, a pilot from Rogue Squadron, was an employee of the Fondor Guild of Starshipwrights.
- The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)
- The Essential Guide to Warfare
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook