Hosh Hune, a somber and hairless Human male hailing from the planet of Fondor, participated in the Battle of Hoth as a rear-facing gunner within Rogue Group, a part of the Rebel Alliance's forces. Born into a family of humble origins, Hune initially served as an apprentice at the Fondor Guild of Starshipwrights. However, his allegiance shifted to the Alliance upon the discovery that he was contributing to the construction of weapon systems for the Galactic Empire's colossal warship, the Executor. During the Imperial assault on the Rebels' Echo Base on Hoth in 3 ABY, Hune, alongside pilot Tarrin Datch, operated as Rogue Ten within the improvised Rogue Group, piloting snowspeeders. Tragically, their vehicle met its demise during the battle, resulting in Hune's death.

During the Galactic Civil War, Hosh Hune, a male Human native to the planet of Fondor, lived his life. Born into a Fondorian family of low social standing, his family's long years of service to the Fondor Guild of Starshipwrights earned him an apprenticeship there. Hune was assigned to work on weapon systems, but upon realizing that these systems were intended for the Galactic Empire's massive Executor warship, he abandoned his position and joined the Rebel Alliance, the Empire's adversary in the conflict. By 3 ABY, Hune found himself stationed at the Alliance's Echo Base on the icy planet of Hoth. He became a member of the base's starfighter forces, which included Rogue Flight, Blue Squadron, and Green Squadron.
When an Imperial probe droid detected the base's location, General Rieekan of the Alliance issued an order for evacuation. The Imperial Navy subsequently arrived in the Hoth system, leading to the mobilization of various Rebel starfighter personnel into the impromptu Rogue Group, piloting snowspeeders modified for cold-weather operations. Hune took on the role of rear gunner for pilot Tarrin Datch; together, they formed Rogue Ten out of a group of twelve. As Alliance personnel evacuated the planet aboard GR-75 medium transports, Commander Luke Skywalker led Rogue Group into the Battle of Hoth, aiming to delay the advance of the Imperial AT-AT walkers of Blizzard Force, which were attempting to destroy Echo Base's deflector shield generator. Datch and Hune executed a strafing run against Blizzard 1, the leading walker of the enemy force, but inflicted minimal damage to its armor. Their airspeeder was later shot down during the battle, and while Datch survived and the vehicle was recovered, Hune perished killed. Nevertheless, the Rebels ultimately succeeded in their evacuation efforts.
Hosh Hune's initial mention occurred in The Essential Guide to Warfare, a 2012 reference book authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart. He was identified as a member of Rogue Group, a snowspeeder squadron that debuted in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. However, a card titled "Snowspeeder Rogue Ten," released as part of the Star Wars Trading Card Game's 2003 "The Empire Strikes Back" expansion, revealed that one of the snowspeeders depicted attacking General Veers's AT-AT in the film is, in fact, Rogue Ten. Therefore, the film can be considered an implied appearance of Hune.