
Sergeant Forley served in Jerec's fleet during the Galactic Civil War as a Human male.


In the year 5 ABY, he was the helmsman operating a skimmer under the command of Lt. Aagon, forming part of Patrol 341. Leeno was his designated gunner. One of the speeder bike escorts was being driven by Forley's closest friend. The patrol abandoned their designated zone to engage in the recreational activity of hunting the indigenous bouncer species, at which point his friend was fatally shot by Rebels who were concealed behind rock formations. Aagon, accompanied by several stormtroopers, exited the skimmer and instructed Forley to encircle the Rebels and suppress them with fire, thus enabling his team to launch a rear assault. Forley's intention was to exact lethal vengeance on all the Rebels as retribution for the death of his friend.

He navigated the remaining bike around the rock formations, while Leeno discharged blaster fire indiscriminately towards the rocks, but without any positive effect. He then instructed Leeno to focus fire on a specific rock until it was destroyed, in the hope that it would dislodge some Rebels from their cover. Despite numerous blaster shots, the only outcome was the death of the remaining biker. Kyle Katarn eliminated Aagon, leaving Forley unable to receive further instructions from anyone. He was aware of the skimmer's vulnerable state but hesitated to retreat, as he knew he would have to provide an explanation for his actions.

As Forley was contemplating his next course of action, Leeno, who was operating the forward-mounted gun, noticed an approaching threat from behind and alerted him. Forley turned to see a white bouncer positioned directly beside his face. He instinctively raised his hands, which were immediately seized by the creature's tentacles, and his head was subsequently engulfed within its mouth. Leeno, in a state of panic, rotated the cannon and fired, resulting in the deaths of both Forley and the bouncer.

Personality and traits

Aagon regarded Forley as a capable helmsman. However, akin to most Imperial sergeants, he lacked training in independent decision-making, rendering him unable to determine his subsequent action following Aagon's demise.

Fueled by the sight of his friend's death at the hands of the Rebels, he became fixated on the idea of exacting revenge.

