The administrators' noticeboard serves as a space for conversations about subjects that necessitate action from Wookieepedia administrators. All users are encouraged to post messages here for administrators concerning any matter tied to administration and their duties. Examples include requesting assistance with resolving a disagreement, reporting instances of administrator misconduct, making edits to a completely protected page, or putting in a request for a bot flag.
For reporting vandalism, please go to Wookieepedia:Vandalism in progress. If you need a page protected, use Wookieepedia:Requests for protection. Bug reports should be submitted in the Forum:SH:General bug thread.
Administrators can also be contacted through their individual talk pages or on Wookieepedia's Discord server. More details about getting in touch with administrators can be found at Wookieepedia:Contact.
Each new thread on the administrators' noticeboard is automatically sent to the #announcements channel on Discord.
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