This page provides a compilation of the various ways to get in touch with Wookieepedia and its official representatives.
You can reach individual administrators through their respective Wookieepedia talk pages, the Message Walls on Fandom's Community Central, or via Discord, all of which are detailed on our "Meet the team" page. Moreover, some administrators might list other ways to contact them, such as their personal email addresses, on their user pages.
If you've been blocked from editing the wiki and want to appeal the decision or get more information, please reach out to the administrator who blocked you via their Message Wall on Fandom's Community Central. If the Abuse filter blocked you and you think it was a mistake, feel free to contact any administrator. Check out Fandom's "I have been blocked" help page for additional details and guidance.
If you come across a bug on the wiki, you have a few options: you can post about it in our Senate Hall bug thread, contact Fandom directly, or report it in the #fandom-feedback channel on Wookieepedia's Discord server.
For any issues related to Discussions, please refer to Wookieepedia:Discussions.
Still not sure how to proceed? You can get in touch with the administration through the Administrators' noticeboard or privately via Wookieepedia's Discord server.
Wookieepedia maintains an official presence on various social media platforms. The Social Media Team is composed of Wookieepedians who have access to one or more of our social media accounts. You can contact them with any questions you have about our social media activities. You can find individual Social Media Team members on their Wookieepedia talk pages, Fandom Community Central Message Walls, or on Discord, all of which are listed on our "Meet the team" page. Furthermore, some members may provide alternative contact methods, like their personal email addresses, on their user pages.
Any social media accounts not included in the following list are not officially associated with Wookieepedia.
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